Home General Reptiles Guide Before Buying Red Bearded Dragon Read this!

Before Buying Red Bearded Dragon Read this!

by Reptiles Care
Before Buying Red Bearded Dragon Read this

If you are feeling lonely these days, then we would say to you to buy a bearded dragon. They are extremely docile. They won’t harm you unless you stress them out. If you are first time buying any reptile, then we understand that you will be nervous. But don’t be. As mentioned before, they won’t harm you. And no it doesn’t matter what color is of your bearded dragon. This is because there are different morphs of bearded dragons. Some of them are:

  1. Leatherback bearded dragon
  2. Dunner
  3. Hypo bearded dragon
  4. German giant
  5. Red monster bearded dragons

But out of all, recently there has been a surge of red and red monster bearded dragons. You will also find videos of red bearded dragons on YouTube and Facebook. If you are considering buying a red monster bearded dragon, make sure you know some information about them.

How are Red Monster Bearded Dragons Made?

One of the most common colors after yellow is red. They look bright red, but when you look closely you will find that they are a mix of red and orange scales. Different types of red bearded dragons are made using different species of bearded dragons. For instance, red leatherback bearded dragons are made by breeding leatherback bearded dragons with different morphs.

Hypored bearded dragons – as the name suggests – are made by breeding hypo and red bearded dragons. Super red bearded dragons get certain genes that give them red color from both of their parents.

What are Some Foods that Red Bearded Dragons Eat?

Since red bearded dragons are omnivores, you should give them only veggies and fruits. In veggies, not all of them are good for bearded dragons. They can’t eat chives and onions. When it comes to bugs, they can eat hornworms, crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. And yes, they can also eat fruits. Just make sure that the fruit isn’t too sweet. Otherwise, bearded dragons will become overweight. If you give them sweet fruit like strawberries, watermelon, and nectarines, then don’t give all of these in a single day.

Moreover, the amount of proteins and veggies that adult and baby bearded dragons eat are different. Adult bearded dragons should have 20% bugs and 80% veggies in their diet. Baby bearded dragons, on the other hand, should have 80 % protein and 20% veggies in their diet. This is because they are in the growing stage, where protein is important. 

Apart from this, red bearded dragons also need supplements. In most cases, they will need to eat calcium. 

How Much Does it Cost to Buy Red Bearded Dragons?

Since red bearded dragons aren’t common, they are unique, they are sold at a high price. The least you can expect to pay for red bearded dragons is $250 and the highest you can pay is $700. Add this amount to the setup cost of $ 110 and you’ll end up paying somewhere between $800 – $ 900.

Where Can You Buy Red Bearded Dragons?

Fortunately, there are many online shops from where you can buy red bearded dragons. Some of them include:

  1. MorphMarket: Here you can find both adult and baby red bearded dragons. The best thing is that they also provide genetic testing. So, if you are curious whether your red bearded dragon is female or male, then you can get genetic testing from experts available there. MorphMarket is also a member of USARK. They are a big advocate of reptiles and amphibians.
  2. Big Apple Herp: They are US-based breeders who have a variety of red bearded dragons on their website. If you are unsure about their service, make sure to read the customer’s reviews. Most of the people have given positive reviews.
  3. CB Reptile: They are breeders that ship red bearded dragons. As per their website, you can also get a red bearded dragon shipped overnight. A real biologist is also present in their shops to check whether the dragon is healthy or not before it’s sent off.

What’s the Length of Red Bearded Dragon?

Like eastern or normal bearded dragons, the length of red bearded dragons is also 18 – 22 inches. Keep in mind that the only difference between red and normal bearded dragons is of color and spikes. Nothing else is different. 

Are Red Bearded Dragons Worth the Money?

Well, if you are someone who loves to look at beautiful reptiles, then red bearded dragons are definitely for you. They are pretty to look at. They are also a good companion. They won’t hurt you unless you stress them. Now, there are a lot of people who think that bearded dragons bite and their bite is venomous. While the former claim is right, the latter is just a myth. Bearded dragon bites don’t have venom, so you don’t need to worry. We have our red bearded dragons and they are fun to play with. So we would say that bearded dragons are absolutely worth the money.

Red Bearded Dragons are similar to Normal Bearded Dragons. Only their color is changed.

Are Red Bearded Dragons Rare?

There are many morphs of bearded dragons and all of them have different colors. But among all, red bearded dragons are unique ones. You won’t find red beardies as commonly in breeder shops as you will find those of different colors. The reason may be that red is a saturated color and it’s also expensive in the breeding market.

How to Care for Red Bearded Dragons?

Red bearded dragon’s care is almost similar to eastern bearded dragon’s care. This means that for their care, you will need the following:

  1. Tank: When it comes to the bearded dragon’s tank, always remember: the bigger the better. A single adult red bearded dragon can live in a 50-gallon tank. If you have baby red bearded dragons, then you can put two or three in the same tank.
  2. Substrate: You can use ground walnut shells, newspapers, paper towels, butcher paper, ceramic tile, and zen mat as a substrate. Make sure you don’t use sand. This is because sand can cause impaction in bearded dragons.
  3. Lights: Bearded dragons need both UVA and UVB lights. Since bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, they need UVA to keep themselves warm. UVA light gives them heat, increases their appetite, and helps in seeing things more clearly. UVB light, on the other hand, synthesizes vitamin D3 which ultimately helps in the absorption of calcium.


Red bearded dragons – in our opinion – are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Their red color shines bright in sunlight. But they are expensive. Red bearded dragons can cost you around $ 1000. So, if you are up for spending this much money, then by all means, buy a dragon. Also, keep in mind that the care guide for red bearded dragons isn’t different from the normal bearded dragon’s care guide. The only difference between red and normal bearded dragons is of appearance.

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