Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lavender?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lavender?

by Liza Fatima
Can Bearded Dragon Eat Lavender?

We always want our bearded dragons to look healthy. Young bearded dragons should eat more proteins than veggies because they are in the growing stage. Juvenile and baby bearded dragons must eat more veggies than bugs. But apart from these veggies and bugs, bearded dragons must eat something more, like fruits. That’s because they need all the nutrients present in fruits to grow. But can your bearded dragon eat herbs? In fact, can a bearded dragon eat lavender?

The short answer is no. Bearded dragons can’t eat lavender. That’s because lavender contains linalool and linalyl acetate, which are akin to poison for bearded dragons because they can’t process these molecules in their body. That being said, bearded dragons should never ingest any lavender-related products.

What to Do in Case Your Bearded Dragon Accidentally Eats Lavender?

If your bearded dragon accidently eats lavender, it’s an emergency issue. But don’t panic. Calm down and look for any abnormal signs in your bearded dragon. Signs of lavender toxicity in bearded dragons include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Dizziness

Unfortunately, if your bearded dragon is vomiting, immediately call your vet. Although specialists haven’t found a toxic dose for lavender, many bearded dragons may react differently after ingesting lavender. Some bearded dragons will be even more sensitive than others. If your vet diagnoses dragon with lavender toxicity, they’ll likely admit it to the hospital.

Can Your Bearded Dragon Smell Lavender?

Since lavender is toxic to bearded dragons, it’s best to keep them away from lavender plants. Now, sure, many lavender products have different levels of toxicity. But it’s still important to keep your bearded dragon away from these lavender products. Further, if you use lavender essential oil in diffusers in your house, your bearded dragon is still safe–in case their room is not placed where you have put the diffuser.

Is Lavender Oil in a Diffuser Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Well, no. Lavender oil in the diffuser can enter bearded dragon’s respiratory system. Although there is no known safe level of exposure to lavender oil mist, bearded dragons are extremely sensitive to scents. A diffuser that has lavender oil may cause your bearded dragon lung irritation, and even breathing issues.

Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat Lavender Plant?

Well, no. Bearded dragons can’t eat lavender plants. Now, even though lavender plants are harmful for bearded dragons if ingested, your dragon must eat a large amount of lavender to get seriously sick. Further, while a few bites of lavender are unlikely to cause problems for a bearded dragon, it can still make them sick. If you want to keep your bearded dragon healthy for a long time, it’s best to keep your dragon away from eating lavender plants.

Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat Dried Lavender?

Well, no. Bearded dragons shouldn’t even eat dried lavender. That’s because it can irritate their GI system. So, be sure to remove dried lavender away from bearded dragons, including diffusers and fragranced sachets.

What Should Bearded Dragons Eat?

If it’s been months since you have had a bearded dragon, then we are sure you already know what a bearded dragon should eat. But if you are a new owner, for your ease, let’s discuss what bearded dragons should eat.

So, first of all, since bearded dragons are omnivores, they should eat both plants and bugs, including mealworms, silkworms, hornworms, etc. At times, you can also give your bearded dragon fruits like nectarines, raisins, bananas, etc. Now, young, juvenile, and baby bearded dragons should eat 70% bugs and 30% veggies. Adult bearded dragons, on the other hand, should eat 70% veggies and 30% bugs.

What are Some Toxic Herbs for Bearded Dragons?

Well, no matter what happens, never ever give the following herbs to your bearded dragon. That’s because they are all toxic:

  • Bay Leaves
  • Garlic
  • Dill Leaves
  • Onion
  • Chives

What Herbs Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Any food that has more calcium than phosphorus is good for bearded dragons. Fortunately, there are lots of herbs that have more calcium than phosphorus. Bearded dragons can eat all of those herbs almost every day. Some of the herbs that bearded dragons can eat include:

  • Basil
  • Chicory
  • Cilantro
  • Fennel
  • Lemongrass
  • Rosemary
What Herbs Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

What Flowers Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Apart from herbs, fruits, veggies, and bugs, bearded dragons can also eat flowers. That’s because they are rich in nutrients, including calcium and iron–both of which bearded dragons need. According to VCA Hospitals, some flowers that your bearded dragon can eat include:

  • Geraniums
  • Hibiscus
  • Nasturtiums
  • Roses
  • Dandelions
  • Carnations

However, it’s essential that you finely chop all these flowers. And don’t worry. All these flowers can be grown in your house as well. Just don’t try to grow these flowers inside bearded dragon’s tank. That’s because ants will also find their way into bearded dragon’s tank. Your dragon can get hurt by ants.

Can You Feed Your Bearded Dragon Any Flower You Want?

No. You can’t feed your bearded dragon any flower you want. That’s because a bearded dragon has specific nutritional requirements. Some flowers don’t have the nutrients that bearded dragons need.

Flowers that are toxic to bearded dragon include:

  • Poppy
  • Wild daffodil
  • Tulip
  • Sorrel
  • Rhododendron
  • Poison Ivy
  • Water Hemlock
  • Vetches
  • Yew
  • Spurges
  • Wisteria
  • Primrose
  • Poison oak
What Flower Can Bearded Dragon Eat?

What Types of Plants Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat?

Being an omnivore, a bearded dragon should only eat bugs and veggies. But at times, they do need additional nutrients. For instance, calcium. Bugs and veggies don’t make up for the calcium deficiency in their body. That’s why beardies food must be dusted with calcium powder. In fact, the reason bearded dragons must have UVB light in their tank is that using this light, bearded dragons make vitamin D3–a nutrient that helps bearded dragons absorb calcium from their digestive tract.

Now, whatever nutrients bearded dragons need, if they are present in plants and fruits, then bearded dragons must eat those fruits. For instance, basil includes many nutrients that are beneficial for bearded dragons. That’s why bearded dragons can safely eat it.


Well, bearded dragon can’t eat lavender. That’s because lavender contains linalool and linalyl acetate that bearded dragons can’t digest. But why? Well, bearded dragons have no enzyme that can process these molecules. In case your bearded dragon has accidently eaten lavender, consult your vet.

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1 comment

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Chicory? - Reptiles Care 21 January 2024 - 14:25

[…] chicory with different herbs including lavender, basil seeds, and […]


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