Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragon Eat Rosemary?

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Rosemary?

by Liza Fatima
Can Bearded Dragon Eat Rosemary?

It’s tasty to add some herbs on top of pasta. In fact, if you’re like us, then you may love herbs more than any other food in the world. But what about bearded dragons? Can your bearded dragon eat rosemary? In fact, is it safe for a bearded dragon to eat rosemary?

Well, yes. Bearded dragons can eat rosemary. In fact, it’s one of the safest herbs for bearded dragons. That’s because it has a high amount of calcium. So, if your bearded dragon has metabolic bone disease, which causes difficulty in walking, consider giving them rosemary.

What are the Benefits of Rosemary for Bearded Dragons?

Being a bearded dragon owner, we always want to do something that can keep our bearded dragon healthy. But what else can you do to ensure that your bearded dragon remains healthy? Well, give it nutritious foods like rosemary. That’s because it has many benefits, including:

1. High Amount of Antioxidants

Rosemary has carsonic acid, which is famous for its antioxidant properties. That’s because it prevents the growth of cancer cells in bearded dragon’s body.

2. High in Nutrients

Apart from antioxidants, rosemary contains many nutrients, including:

  • Calcium, which is really good for maintaining bearded dragon’s bones, muscles, and tissues.
  • Vitamin C is good for a bearded dragon’s immune system.
  • Vitamin A is great for a bearded dragon’s vision.
  • Fiber helps in digestion of bearded dragon.

3. Low in Sugar

One of the benefit of giving rosemary to bearded dragon is that it has low sugar. One reason it’s recommended not to give rosemary to bearded dragons is that most herbs contain a high amount of sugar. Fortunately, this is not the case for rosemary. That’s why bearded dragons can eat rosemary every day.

4. High Amount of Calcium

Calcium is important for bearded dragons. That’s because if adequate calcium is not included in a bearded dragon’s diet, they can develop metabolic bone disease. In this disease, bearded dragons have difficulty walking.

That’s one more reason for your bearded dragon to eat rosemary. That’s because rosemary contains 2.22 mg of calcium. This makes rosemary one of the best herb for bearded dragon to eat.

5. Low Amount of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is akin to poison for bearded dragons. This is because it binds with calcium and prevents calcium from being absorbed in a bearded dragon’s bloodstream. But since rosemary has too little phosphorus, bearded dragons can eat rosemary every day.

6. Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio

Finally, the calcium to phosphorus ratio in rosemary is 4.8:1. This is a good news. That’s because if a food has more phosphorus than calcium, then it’s automatically bad for a bearded dragon, no matter how many nutrients it has. Fortunately, that is not the case with rosemary. So, bearded dragons can eat it daily.

How Often Can You Give Rosemary to Bearded Dragons?

Rosemary isn’t bad for bearded dragons. But this doesn’t mean bearded dragons should eat lots of rosemary every day. Too much of everything is bad for bearded dragons. Bearded dragons should only eat a few grams of rosemary every day.

What Other Herbs Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat Instead of Rosemary?

Fortunately, there are lots of herbs that your bearded dragon can eat instead of rosemary. And don’t you worry, all the herbs that we will mention have a healthy calcium to phosphorus ratio.

  1. Basil: It has a 2.2:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio. Apart from this, basil has vitamin C, A, E, and K along with varying antioxidants. In fact, basil is good for bearded dragons’ vision and immune system.
  2. Chicory: It has high calcium and fiber. Apart from this, it also contains iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. This means it’s good for bearded dragon’s blood production.
  3. Cilantro: It has a 1.4:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Apart from this, cilantro is packed with vitamins, and antioxidants. All these nutrients can help prevent food poisoning among beardies.
  4. Fennel: It has a 1:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which isn’t bad. Apart from this, fennel is high in magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin B, as well as vitamin C.
  5. Lemongrass: It has a 1:1.5 ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Lemongrass also boost bearded dragon’s immune system.
What Other Herbs Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat Instead of Rosemary?

Expert Tip

Remember to always choose fresh herbs for bearded dragons. Avoid giving them dried herbs. That’s because dried herbs are more acidic than fresh herbs. Your bearded dragon can face digestive issues after consuming dried herbs.

Can You Grow Rosemary in a Bearded Dragon’s Tank?

Well, yes, you can grow rosemary in a bearded dragon’s tank.

In fact, growing rosemary in a bearded dragon’s tank is one nice way to make your dragon’s tank scented. This is also a safer alternative to plastic plants that can make your bearded dragon impacted.

But before you grow rosemary in a bearded dragon’s tank, keep in mind the following pointers:

  1. You’ll have to monitor the humidity level of rosemary. Herbs can change the humidity level, so you might have to sprinkle a few drops of water on the tank or remove some of the rosemary to regulate humidity.
  2. Rosemary can wilt in heat. That’s why it’s necessary to replace them. Else your bearded dragon’s tank will become yucky.
  3. No matter what happens, never grow toxic herbs and veggies like bay leaves, garlic, dill leaves, onion, and chives in a bearded dragon’s tank. That’s because they contain lots of acid. Bearded dragons can’t eat such food.
  4. Parsley, peppermint, sage, parsley, chives, spearmint, and thyme are some of those herbs that are high in oxalates and other nutrients that bearded dragons shouldn’t eat daily. That’s why it’s not recommended to grow these herbs in a bearded dragon’s tank.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Rosemary Leaves?

Well, yes. Bearded dragons can eat rosemary leaves. That’s because it contains many nutrients, including calcium, iron, vitamin C, as well as vitamin A. Rosemary also has antioxidant properties that help in neutralizing harmful free radicals in bearded dragon’s body.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Rosemary Stems?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat rosemary stems. That’s because it’s rich in potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, as well as magnesium. All these nutrients also help control bearded dragon’s blood pressure, heart rate, and immune system.

Rosemary For Bearded  Dragon

Should You Wash Rosemary Before Giving it To Bearded Dragon?

Yes. You should wash rosemary before giving it to bearded dragon to remove dirt that may be present. If you don’t wash it, your bearded dragon can get sick after eating dirty rosemary. Further, transfer the washed rosemary to a towel and leave it for drying.

How to Serve Rosemary to Bearded Dragons?

Well, first of all, wash rosemary in cold water. This will remove any dirt and debris from rosemary. Further, transfer rosemary to a towel – in fact, as per vet, you can also keep rosemary in the refrigerator for further use. Using a pair of scissors or a knife, cut sprigs of rosemary from the branch. Remove the sprigs from the bottom. In other words, if you want to, you can also remove rosemary stems. That’s because rosemary stems taste like wood. Your bearded dragon won’t like it. Now, strip off the needles. Transfer these needles to the cutting board. With a sharp knife, chop the rosemary needles.


Yes. Bearded dragons can eat rosemary because it’s high in nutrients, including calcium, potassium, and iron. It also has a good calcium to phosphorus ratio. In case your bearded dragon don’t eat rosemary, don’t force it. You don’t want to make your bearded dragon sad, do you?

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