Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cantaloupe?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cantaloupe?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat cantaloupe?

Bearded dragons are omnivores. This means that they should only bugs and veggies. But sometimes, you should also give fruits to bearded dragons. Some fruits like nectarines, apples, blackberries, and mango are safe for bearded dragons to consume. But you shouldn’t let your dragon eat fruits every day. The reason is all the fruits have too much sugar. Bearded dragons shouldn’t consume too much sugar. Else, they can become too fat within a short time. But what about cantaloupe? Can bearded dragons eat cantaloupe? 

Yes, bearded dragons can eat cantaloupe. That’s because cantaloupe has many nutrients including vitamin C, folate, fiber, potassium, and beta-carotene. All of them help bearded dragons in living a long and healthy life. But since cantaloupe has too much sugar, bearded dragons can’t eat it every day. Because in a bearded dragon’s diet, sugar isn’t included. This means that if you give bearded dragons something that isn’t included in their diet, then they can become sick. 

Can You Give Cantaloupe to Bearded Dragons Each Day?

No. You shouldn’t give cantaloupe to bearded dragons every day. That’s because they have sugar. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat fruits that have a lot of sugar. Otherwise, bearded dragons can get many diseases. Some issues that bearded dragons can get after eating too much sugar include:

  1. Fatty liver disease
  2. Diabetes
  3. Heart issues
  4. Obesity 

But can bearded dragons taste sweetness? Well, yes. Bearded dragons can taste sweet flavor. In fact, sugar energizes bearded dragons. Further, bearded dragons don’t thrive on a high-sugar diet. If you give your bearded dragon too much sugar, then they will simply become fat. Even if your bearded dragon is unhealthy or underweight, you still shouldn’t give them sugary fruits. 

Because, sure, the weight of bearded dragons can increase after eating sugar, but this is bad for bearded dragons in the long run. The fat in their body will increase. Over time, this can impact the bearded dragon’s health. This is another reason you shouldn’t give cantaloupe to bearded dragon every day. 

What are the Benefits of Cantaloupe for Bearded Dragons?

Cantaoulpe is filled with nutrients like sodium, potassium, protein, iron, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium. All of these nutrients are good for bearded dragons. Let’s see the benefits of cantaloupe for bearded dragons in a bit more detail. 

1. High Amount of Water

Due to the fact that bearded dragons can’t identify standing water as water, they can become dehydrated. As a bearded dragon owner, it’s your responsibility to help your bearded dragon hydrate. The best thing about cantaloupe is that it is 89% water. Such an amount of water can keep the level of blood sugar in bearded dragons stable. 

Water for bearded dragons.

2. Nutrients 

Cantaloupe has many nutrients including potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. All these nutrients are helpful in making bearded dragons healthy. Further, cantaloupe also has choline that helps reduce inflammation in bearded dragons. 

3. Antioxidants 

Cantaloupe has vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin. All these nutrients help ensure that a bearded dragon’s vision remains strong. Further, antioxidants present in cantaloupe also reduce the risk of cancer. 

4. Helps in Digestion

Cantaloupe has 0.9 g of fiber. This amount of fiber is enough to keep the bearded dragon’s digestive health good. But if you give cantaloupe to bearded dragons every week, then their digestive health can worsen. Some signs that show that your bearded dragon has digestive issues include:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Tired
  3. Fatigue 
  4. Bowel issues

In What Ways Bearded Dragons Can Consume Cantaloupe?

Since cantaloupes are large in size, you should always cut them into small pieces. Keep in mind that bearded dragons should never eat anything that’s larger than the distance present between their eyes. In case your bearded dragon eats food that’s large, then it can even get impacted. So, whenever you give cantaloupe to bearded dragons, make sure to do the following:

  1. Wash cantaloupe with clean but non-chlorinated water. Why not chlorine? Well, chlorine is bad for bearded dragons. They can become seriously sick after eating cantaloupe that isn’t washed using clean water. 
  2. You can give frozen cantaloupe to bearded dragons. Just make sure to thaw it properly so that dust is removed. 
  3. Cut cantaloupe in bit size. This is to ensure that bearded dragons don’t find difficulty in digesting cantaloupe. 
  4. If you want to add some veggies to the mix, then you can. You can even add herbs like fennel, lemongrass, chicory, basil seeds, and lavender
Yes, you should let bearded dragons eat cantaloupe.

How Often Should You Let Bearded Dragons Eat Cantaloupe?

Since cantaloupe has too much sugar, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat it every day. You should only give cantaloupe to bearded dragon every few weeks. Cantaloupe shouldn’t be included in their everyday food.


Bearded dragons can eat cantaloupe. Just make sure that you don’t let them overeat cantaloupe, or else they can become sick way too quickly. The diet of bearded dragons shouldn’t include high-sugar-containing foods. This is because bearded dragons are omnivores. They should only eat veggies and bugs. Adult bearded dragons as compared to young ones should eat more veggies. 

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