Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Garlic?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Garlic?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat garlic

There are some times when we think of giving human food to bearded dragons. Because we think that maybe our beardies would love this food. But the thing is bearded dragons don’t need human food. In fact, there are many foods including onions that are really toxic to bearded dragons. But can bearded dragons eat garlic? 

No, garlic is toxic to bearded dragons. That’s because the chemical present in garlic can enter bearded dragon’s bloodstream and rupture their blood cells production. This can also contribute to hemolytic anemia – a really dangerous and fatal condition. 

Is Garlic Really Bad for Bearded Dragons?

Well, yes. Garlic is bad for bearded dragons. That’s because it not only cause digestive issues in bearded dragons but also disturb red blood cell production. This ultimately interferes with oxygen in bearded dragon’s blood. In the worse case, your bearded dragons can even get anemia. 

Another reason due to which garlic is toxic to bearded dragons is the presence of n-propyl disulfide in garlic. But can your bearded dragon eat food that has a little bit of garlic? Well, no. it truly doesn’t matter in what form garlic is added in dragon’s food. Both fresh and cooked garlic is bad for bearded dragons. Garlic powder is even more toxic to bearded dragons. That’s because it also contains salt. But why is salt bad for bearded dragons? Well, salt is bad for bearded dragons because it has a high amount of sodium. 

RELATED: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Salt? 

Apart from garlic, bearded dragon can’t eat the following veggies as well:

  • Chives
  • Onions
  • Dill leaves

What Would Happen If Your Bearded Dragon Accidently Eats Garlic?

Well, when bearded dragons accidentally eat garlic, then the first symptom that they will get is an upset stomach. Over time, your beardie will start showing following signs:

  • Low appetite
  • Stress
  • Increased breathing
  • Pale skin
  • Weakness

Because of this very reason, make sure you don’t give garlic to your beardies. At times, bearded dragons can also puke after eating garlic. Consult your vet if this condition persists.

Garlic for Bearded Dragons

What is Garlic Poisoning in Bearded Dragons?

Feeding garlic in a huge amount to your bearded dragon is really harmful. As mentioned before, the chemicals in garlic can enter dragon’s bloodstream and disturbs their red blood cells production. At times, because of this reason, your dragon will have symptoms including breathing issues, and loose stool. 

Further, the longer you wait here the more serious the situation will become. That’s why as soon as you see symptoms of garlic poisoning in bearded dragons, take them to  a vet to prevent any serious issue. 

But why do people prefer giving garlic to bearded dragons? Well, that’s because they think that just like garlic adds flavor to their food then maybe that’s the case with bearded dragon’s food as well. In other words, garlic can add flavor to dragon’s food as well. But garlic is toxic to bearded dragons. That’s why you shouldn’t include garlic in a dragon’s diet. 

Treatment of Garlic Poisoning in Bearded Dragons

Treatment will depend on the time. If your dragon has just recently consumed garlic, the vet will try to get garlic out of dragon’s body through vomit. If your dragon isn’t puking then the vet will give hydrogen peroxide solution. This solution will get rid of garlic from the dragon’s stomach. The vet will also monitor your dragon’s condition to see whether he needs IV fluids or other treatment.

In case you have sprayed something that has garlic on dragon’s skin , then the vet will have to bathe. This will remove toxins from the dragon’s body. Further, even though this is really rare, in case your dragon’s condition has worsened, he might need blood transfusion to live.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lemon?

No. Bearded dragons can’t eat lemon. That’s because lemons are acidic. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat foods that are acidic. This is because acidic veggies and fruits can upset your dragon’s stomach. In the worst case, your dragon can even die just because of lemon. But if your dragon has accidentally eaten lemon, then first of all don’t you worry. Since there is nothing in lemons that is toxic, there won’t be much problem. The most your dragon will get is a sore mouth or upset stomach. But still, if you’re worried then consult your vet. 

What are Some Live Foods that Bearded Dragons can Eat?

There are a number of live foods that bearded dragons can safely eat. Some of these food include:

  • Bugs
  • Crickets
  • Mealworms
  • Earthworms
  • Hornworms
  • Silkworms
  • Wax worms
  • Cockroaches

Fortunately, most of these can be easily found in pet stores. Keep in mind that among all these foods, crickets are one of the best foods for dragons to eat. But at times, you should also consider adding fruits and veggies in a dragon’s diet. Do this to ensure that your dragon eats a variety of food with different but important nutrients like iron, fiber, and protein. 

What are Some Vegetables that Your Bearded Dragon can Safely Eat?

Veggies are an important part of a dragon’s diet. Adult bearded dragons must have 30% of their diet based on veggies. But young bearded dragons must eat more veggies than proteins. Here is a list of veggies that your dragon can eat almost every day:

  • Kale
  • Butternut squash
  • Yellow squash
  • Acorn squash
  • Celery
  • Turnip greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Collard greens


Can your bearded dragon eat garlic? No. Bearded dragons can’t eat garlic. The chemicals present in garlic are bad for bearded dragons. But best thing is that there are many veggies that bearded dragons can safely eat. You’ll find a list of safe foods here. In the wild, bearded dragons rarely eat garlic. But in the captivity, they might eat garlic on your encouragement. However, as mentioned before, never give garlic to your bearded dragon.

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