Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Gummy Worms?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Gummy Worms?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat gummy worms?

Gummy worms are something that lots of people enjoy. People add gummy worms in toast, cakes as well as other sweet treats. It also smells amazing. Children are suckers for it. When they are crying, all they need to stop crying is gummy worms. But can bearded dragons eat gummy worms? In fact, is it safe for bearded dragons to eat gummy worms?

Well, no. Bearded dragons should never eat gummy worms. Sure, if your bearded dragon eats few gummy worms, they won’t get sick. But if you give your bearded dragon gummy worms every day then of course they would become sick. 

Do Gummy Worms Have Any Health Benefits to Bearded Dragons?

Gummy worms are made of fruit. So, you might think that it would have vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, this isn’t the case. The method adopted to make gummy worms destroy all the vitamins. That’s why gummy worms end up becoming a bad treat for bearded dragons. 

What Would Happen If a Bearded Dragon Repeatedly Eats Gummy Worms?

As mentioned before, gummy worms are not good for bearded dragons. Your beardie can get sick in case they eat gummy worms every day. But why? Well, gummy worms have following ingredients that’s toxic to bearded dragons.

1. Artificial Sweeteners 

Gummy worms are mostly made of sugar. But at times, apart from sugar, they also have xylitol. The latter again is bad for bearded dragons. Your dragon can even die after eating this. But why? Well, xylitol instead of absorbing sugar, increase insulin and drops blood sugar level. Further, what’s concerning is that many jellies and gummy worms have this. 

2. Fruits 

Bearded dragons can’t eat all fruits. That’s because they are omnivores. They must eat fruits that aren’t high in sugar. But the problem is some fruits like lemon, lime and garlic are toxic to bearded dragons. But in some gummy worms, the juice of these veggies and herbs are added. That’s why if a bearded dragon eats gummy worms every day, then they can face stomach issues. 

3. Lots of Sugar 

If there’s something in high quantity in gummy worms, then that’s sugar. But unfortunately, too much sugar is bad for bearded dragons. If your dragon consume lots of sugar, then they can quickly become obese. Apart from becoming overweight, they can also get liver problems and hyperglycemia.

Never let bearded dragons eat gummy worms because they have lots of sugar.

4. Pectin 

Pectin is actually  a structural acid that’s used in most gummy worms. If bearded dragons eat lots of gummy worms, then they can get an upset stomach. Keep in mind that pectin is designed to increase friendly bacteria in the digestive system of humans. Since bearded dragons are reptiles, pectin doesn’t have a similar effect in them. 

Can You Give Home-made Gummy Worms to Bearded Dragons?

Usually, home-made foods are good for pets like dogs and cats. But for bearded dragons, home-made food shouldn’t be an option. So, what about home-made gummy worms? Well, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat home-made gummy worms either. Because in the end, what makes gummy worms tasty is sugar and fruit juice. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat both of them. 

What to Do If Bearded Dragons Eat Gummy Worms?

Accidents happen. So, what if one day you find that your dragon has eaten gummy worms? Well, first of all, don’t panic. Secondly, check the ingredients of gummy worms. If gummy worms don’t have too much sugar and xylitol, then bearded dragons won’t get sick. Sure, they may become thirsty. Some of the signs that show that bearded dragons are dehydrated include orange or white urate. There are also times when bearded dragons become too stressed while they are facing dehydration issues. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sweets?

No. Bearded dragons should never eat sweets. That’s because they have lots of sugar. As mentioned before, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat sugar. That’s because in the captivity, they don’t move much. So, when they don’t run or walk, it’s easy for them to gain weight. But why is being overweight bad? Well, they can get diabetes and liver issues. Further, their digestive system isn’t designed to handle high amount of sugar.

What Kind of Worms can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Before telling you what worms should be fed it’s important to keep in mind the age of bearded dragons. That’s because adult bearded dragons must eat less worms as compared to juvenile and baby bearded dragons. If beardies don’t eat protein that’s present in bugs, then they can develop different weaknesses. 

Dragon’s AgeDragon’s TypeWaxwormsHornworms
0 – 4 monthsBaby3 – 5( in 5 days)30 – 50 per day
5 – 12 monthsJuvenile3 – 5( in 6 days)20 – 50 per day
12 – 18 monthsAdult3 – 5 (in a week)20 – 50 in a week
18 + monthsOld3 – 5 ( in 8 days)20 – 50 in 8 days
Bearded dragon’s worm consumption should vary depending upon their age.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Reptile Jelly?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat reptile’s jelly. That’s because they are made by credible authorities that have expertise in reptile’s health. These jellies also contain vitamins and minerals. There are many reptiles that love to eat these jellies on an occasional basis. 

What is toxic to bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons are fairly beginner-friendly reptiles. But still, they have some dietary requirements that you must fulfill. But at times, beardie owners are quite confused about what to give to them. Some safe foods for bearded dragons include:

  • Live mealworms
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Butternut Squash
  • Mustard greens
  • Blue berries
  • Watermelon
  • Turnip greens
  • Bok choy


Can bearded dragons eat gummy worms? Well, no. Bearded dragons should never eat gummy worms. That’s because gummy worms has high amount of sugar. Bearded dragons should never in their lifetime consume high amount of sugar. The reason is unlike in the wild, in the captivity, beardies don’t move. So, if you give such sweet treats to your dragon then they will definitely become overweight.

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