Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lemongrass?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lemongrass?

by Liza Fatima
Can Bearded Dragon Eat Lemongrass?

Every bearded dragon owner wants its dragon to live a healthy and long life. And I’m sure that’s also the case with you. You want your dragon to live a long life. You’ll give it bugs and greens to make sure they live a happy and healthy life. But the thing is, a bearded dragon must eat fruits as well as herbs to stay healthy. But is it possible for your bearded dragon to eat lemongrass? In fact, is it safe for bearded dragons to eat lemongrass?

Short answer: Yes. Bearded dragons can eat lemongrass. But it’s not safe for your bearded dargon to eat lemongrass every day.

Can Your Bearded Dragon Safely Eat Lemongrass?

Before answering this question, let’s tell you what actually is lemongrass. Well, it’s a plant that’s included in the grass family. Around the world, more than 100 species of lemongrass are present. But because lemongrass has antibacterial and antifungal properties, it’s also used as a pain reliever.

Lemongrass extract is also really beneficial. It’s included in many soaps, disinfectants as well as candles. There are also those people who love to drink lemongrass tea.

But can you give lemongrass to your bearded dragons? Well, yes. Bearded dragons can eat lemongrass. It contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. All of which is necessary for bearded dragons to live a healthy life. 

Further, one of the most common disease in bearded dragons is metabolic bone disease. A beardie suffering from this disease has trouble standing up. Sometimes, bearded dragons can even die because of this disease. Best part about giving lemongrass to bearded dragons is that it has high amount of calcium. Apart from this, lemongrass also contains iron and vitamin C. Both of these nutrients are helpful for their cardiovascular health. 

Health Benefits of Lemongrass for Bearded Dragons

Over the years, extensive research has been done on lemongrass and it has been found that lemongrass not only contains anti-inflammatory properties but can also serve as antioxidant.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Lemongrass has quercetin. This is actually a flavonoid that’s known for providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.  Quercetin reduces inflammation in bearded dragons. In fact, it also helps in reducing risk of heart diseases in bearded dragons.

2. Reduced Cholesterol

Chemical compounds present in lemongrass also help reduce cholesterol in bearded dragons. 

3. Prevent Bacterial Infection

Lemongrass has essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of bacterial infection in bearded dragons. Keep in mind that parasites do live in bearded dragon’s body. There won’t be any problem until and unless pinworms count hasn’t increased in bearded dragon’s body. But the moment the number of pinworms increase in bearded dragon’s body, they will face many problems including heart issues and digestive problems. One study found that lemongrass extract also reduce the risk of infection in bearded dragon’s digestive tract. 

Lemongrass prevents the risk of bacterial infection in bearded dragons.

What is Present in Lemongrass That’s Good for Bearded Dragons?

Well, the best part about giving lemongrass to bearded dragons is that it’s high in many nutrients, including the following:

  1. Antioxidants are best for preventing inflammation in bearded dragons. 
  2. Vitamin A, and C helps in bearded dragon’s growth as well as reproduction. 
  3. Iron helps in producing red blood cells in bearded dragons. 
  4. Fiber helps in promoting digestion in bearded dragons.
  5. Manganese helps in the bearded dragon’s metabolism. 

Apart from this, here are some other nutritional benefits of lemongrass for bearded dragons.

  • Lemongrass is antifungal and antibacterial. The best part about giving lemongrass to bearded dragons is that it has geranial, geranyl acetate, β-citronellol, citronellal, limonene, and citral. All these compounds have antifungal properties. 
  • It has more calcium than phosphorus. Lemongrass is high in calcium. In fact, it’s the ideal ratio 1:15 of calcium to phosphorus. This means you don’t have to worry about phosphorus binding with calcium and prompting metabolic bone disease. 
  • It contains water. Apart from many beneficial nutrients, lemongrass has high water content. This means this herb is ideal for bearded dragons who are dehydrated. 
  • It has a minimum amount of carbohydrate. One of the common ingredients that can increase a bearded dragon’s weight is carbohydrates. Best thing about lemongrass is that it’s no additional carbohydrates. Keep in mind that too many carbohydrates can cause obesity, kidney issues, diabetes as well as heart diseases in bearded dragons.

How Often Can You Give Lemongrass to Bearded Dragons?

Lemongrass isn’t bad for bearded dragons. But there are two reasons why bearded dragons can’t eat lemongrass every day. 

First and foremost, lemongrass is high in chlorogenic acid, isoorientin and swertia japonica. Too much of these nutrients can cause stomach issues as well as loose stool in bearded dragons. This is why you should only sprinkle some amount of lemongrass on bearded dragon’s salad every other day. But despite this, make sure to keep an eye on bearded dragons after giving them lemongrass so that nothing bad happens with them. 

Further, even though lemongrass does have calcium–3.12 mg– it’s not enough to fulfill a bearded dragon’s daily dosage. Moreover, this herb isn’t very rich in vitamins and minerals. Contrary to lemongrass, collard greens, mustang greens, turnip greens and endives are really good for bearded dragons. 

How Can Bearded Dragons Consume Lemongrass?

Just like with any other fruit and vegetables, you should prefer giving fresh lemongrass to bearded dragons. If that’s not possible then no problem. Just make sure that the lemongrass you give to bearded dragons is thoroughly washed. Further, chop lemongrass finely and mix it into salad. Moreover, you can also offer lemongrass alone. You may find your bearded dragon loving and gobbling lemongrass right away. 

Bearded dragons can ingest lemongrass either in liquid or in smoothie form.

With Other Vegetables Can Your Bearded Dragon Eat Apart from Lemongrass?

Lemongrass is one of the best herbs to add to a bearded dragon’s diet. You can make a salad by adding lemongrass, along with cactus leaves, carrots, bell peppers, yellow squash, fennel, lavender, okra, basil seeds, and thyme. 

Further, if you don’t want to make salad, then you can also make lemongrass juice. Just make sure that the lemongrass is rinsed. 

What Will Happen to Your Bearded Dragon If You Give Them Lemongrass Every Day?

Lemongrass has a high amount of acid. Due to this, bearded dragons can’t eat lemongrass every day. But in case you let your beardie consume lemongrass every day, then be ready to see them becoming sick. Some problems that your bearded dragon can get after eating lemongrass include:

  • Loose stool
  • Dizziness
  • Tardiness
  • Increase appetite
  • Allergies
  • Breathing problems


Bearded dragons can eat lemongrass. But since lemongrass is high in acid, bearded dragon shouldn’t eat it every day. Instead, consider adding lemongrass in bearded dragon’s salad once a week. If your bearded dragon don’t like eating veggies, you can make smoothie or even tea.

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