Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Scrambled Eggs?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat scrambled eggs?

We all want our bearded dragons to be healthy always. Because to be honest, if you consider your bearded dragon dear to you, then you would want them to live a long life. In fact, you would want them to stay with you for as long as you are alive. But unfortunately, this isn’t possible. Bearded dragons can’t live for more than 8-10 years. However, all this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put in effort to help bearded dragons grow and thrive. 

You should try to give them as healthy a diet as you can. In fact, it’s important that you give them bugs and veggies the most. Because since they are omnivores, they should eat these. But apart from this, you should also give veggies to bearded dragons.

On a weekly basis, you can also give them fruits like dragon fruit, passion fruit, blackberries, and yellow squash. Moreover, bearded dragons should also consume nutrients like iron, protein, and calcium. There are many foods that have these nutrients. Among all foods, eggs have the most protein. But can bearded dragons eat scrambled eggs? Because eggs have so much protein. 

Well, yes. Bearded dragons can eat eggs. That’s because it has a lot of nutrients including protein, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin B12. All these nutrients help promote healthy skin and vision in bearded dragons. But since the amount of nutrients in eggs is too much for bearded dragons, you shouldn’t give them eggs every day. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Short answer: no. Bearded dragons should never eat scrambled eggs. The reason is that scrambled eggs have too much cholesterol. In fact, as compared to raw eggs, scrambled eggs have 200 milligrams more calories.

This is bad. Eating such high-fat-containing food can cause cholesterol issues in bearded dragons.

Some signs that show that the level of cholesterol has increased in bearded dragons include:

  1. Lethargy
  2. Inability to move
  3. Less appetite
  4. Stomach issues

Keep in mind that if you don’t do anything when your bearded dragon is showing all these signs, then you’re putting their life in danger.

What’s concerning is that high cholesterol in bearded dragons can also cause gastrointestinal issues in sudden deaths

Apart from cholesterol, in case your bearded dragon eats scrambled eggs every day, then they can also get diabetes. So, even if your bearded dragon is weak, you shouldn’t give them scrambled eggs just so that they can gain weight. This isn’t the right way for bearded dragons to gain weight. You must consult your vet if your bearded dragon is sick and you want them to gain weight the right way. In fact, even humans shouldn’t eat scrambled eggs.

No. Bearded dragons shouldn't eat scrambled eggs.

According to the British Journal of Nutrition, when humans eat more than one egg in one day, then their risk of diabetes will increase by 60%. So, just imagine how bad scrambled eggs would be for bearded dragons. Further, for a very long time, it was assumed that eggs can cause cancer. Recently, research was conducted that showed that the risk of various cancers in humans will increase 8f they eat eggs every day. This also means that there’s a risk that bearded dragons can also get cancer if they eat scrambled eggs every day because, to be honest, there isn’t too much difference in the biology of humans and bearded dragons.

Moreover, when you fry eggs in oil, then the amount of vitamin B and selenium is also reduced. Both of these nutrients are important for bearded dragons to consume. That’s because they help strengthen the immune system of bearded dragons. 

What Would Happen If Bearded Dragons Eat Scrambled Eggs Every Day?

You should never make your bearded dragon eat scrambled eggs. Otherwise, they can get some serious issues that can cause them death. Some issues that bearded dragons can get in case they eat scrambled eggs every day include:

  1. Cardiovascular issues
  2. Liver problems
  3. Stomach problems
  4. Selenosis – a condition in which their bones become soft and they face nail and skin problems.
  5. Stress 

As mentioned above, all these issues can cause death in bearded dragons. That’s why you must consult your vet in case you find bearded dragons showing all of the above issues. 

How Much Scrambled Eggs   Bearded Dragon Should Eat?

None. Never give bearded dragon scrambled eggs to eat. This is because there’s too much oil in scrambled eggs. Bearded dragons can get cholesterol and heart issues when they eat scrambled eggs every day. Apart from these issues, bearded dragons can also get cancer and stomach problems when they eat scrambled eggs. So, to be on the safe side, never give scrambled eggs to bearded dragons. 

Scrambled eggs for bearded dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw and Boiled Eggs?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat boiled eggs. But you shouldn’t give them raw eggs to eat. This is because raw eggs carry bacteria. In case bearded dragons eat bacteria-containing eggs, then they can become sick really quickly. In fact, they might fall ill. So, just to give some extra protein to bearded dragons, you shouldn’t risk their health. But what about boiled eggs? Well, bearded dragons can eat boiled eggs. But it’s better if you give only egg whites to bearded dragons. Yolk has cholesterol. But egg whites only contain protein.

What are the Benefits of Eggs for Bearded Dragons?

Sure, scrambled eggs are bad for bearded dragons. But eggs are good for bearded dragons. In fact, there are many benefits of eggs for bearded dragons. Some of them are:

  1. Protein: Out of all nutrients, the one that every bearded dragon needs to make sure they grow up fine is protein. Especially, baby and young bearded dragons need protein the most. The reason is they are in the growing stage. If bearded dragons don’t eat protein at this time, then they might face problems later on. Further, apart from growth, protein also helps energize them. In fact, protein also helps in bone strengthening. So, make sure that you give eggs to bearded dragons.
  2. Vitamin B: In order to make sure that your bearded dragon doesn’t face any neurological issues, it’s essential that you give them food that has a high amount of vitamin B. The good news is eggs have vitamin B. So, if your bearded dragon doesn’t have too much vitamin B, giving them eggs is a good option. 
  3. Vitamin D: Bearded dragons need vitamin D because it helps in calcium absorption. And if calcium isn’t absorbed in bearded dragons’ bodies, then they can get metabolic bone disease. Keep in mind that this is a fatal disease. Bearded dragons who have this disease can’t stand properly. Further, since this disease can prevent them from moving, bearded dragons can become fat way too quickly. When this happens, other issues including fatty liver and cardiovascular disease will start making bearded dragons hell. 
  4. Vitamin B12: Bearded dragons need a lot of nutrients to make sure they live a healthy life. Further, among these nutrients, vitamin B12 is also beneficial. It helps in the proper growth and development of eggs.  So, if you have a female bearded dragon that’s expecting babies then make sure you give them eggs to eat.
  5. Vitamin A: It’s easy for bearded dragons to have low vitamin A in their bodies. That’s because the food that bearded dragons usually eat doesn’t have much vitamin A. Some signs that bearded dragons show when they have fewer vitamins in their body include dull skin color, decreased appetite, and difficulty in moving.  But if you give your bearded dragon egg, then you don’t have to worry about vitamin A deficiency. That’s because eggs have 520 IU. 
Yes. Bearded dragons can eat eggs. But you should never give them eggs every day.

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs?

You should give your bearded dragon eggs every other week. This is because eggs have a lot of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iron. Bearded dragons need all of these nutrients if they want to live a long and healthy life. But since eggs have too many nutrients, you still shouldn’t give them eggs every day. Because then, your bearded dragons can become sick. Their cholesterol level will increase. They will also face different digestive issues. 

Can Bearded Dragons Consume Eggshells?

No. It’s better if a bearded dragon doesn’t eat eggshells. In fact, you should never give eggshells to bearded dragons. This is because many eggshells have bacteria. If your bearded dragon eats it, then it will immediately get sick. Moreover, even if you give them eggshells, then it’s too hard. Bearded dragons will have difficulty swallowing them. So, in short: never give eggshells to your bearded dragon. 


No. You shouldn’t give scrambled eggs to bearded dragons. This is because it has too much oil. Bearded dragons can get different issues. But still, if you want your dragon to eat eggs, make sure they are boiled. Raw eggs can have bacteria. So, instead of becoming healthy, bearded dragons can become sick when they eat raw eggs. That’s why give your bearded dragons boiled eggs, only. 

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