Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat sugar?

We always want our bearded dragons to remain healthy. That’s why we ensure that whatever goes inside bearded dragon’s stomach is actually good for them. But since bearded dragons are omnivores, it’s important that they eat only veggies or bugs. Sure, bearded dragons can also be given fruits because they have nutrients. But can bearded dragons eat sugar? In other words, is it possible for a bearded dragon to eat sugar but still not get sick?

Well, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat sugar. That’s because they don’t need a high-sugar diet. In fact, a bearded dragon who eats lots of sugar can become really fat. In return, they can get many diseases including fatty liver disease, and diabetes. 

Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar?

Bearded dragons are omnivores. They must eat either bugs or a veggies. That’s because these foods have nutrition that can give bearded dragon energy. Apart from this, bearded dragons shouldn’t eat anything else. Further, the reason bearded dragons should avoid eating sugar is because of obesity. Bearded dragons can become really fat after eating sugar. Moreover, since in captivity, bearded dragons don’t walk or run much, there’s a higher chance that they can become really obese. Over time, overweight bearded dragons can get fatty liver disease or face gut-related issues.

How Often Should Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar?

Bearded dragons shouldn’t even eat  a small amount of sugar. That’s because there’s no nutrition in sugar that’s good for them. Bearded dragons must eat food that’s high in calcium. Otherwise they can develop metabolic bone disease. This is actually a disease in which bearded dragons have difficulty walking. They won’t be able to stand on their legs. What’s worse is that if your bearded dragon repeatedly eats sugar then they can get metabolic bone disease. This is the most important reason due to which bearded dragons shouldn’t eat sugar.

What Happens If Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar?

Well, first of all make sure that your bearded dragon never eats sugar. But in case it eats sugar, then keep in mind that they can’t digest it. Symptoms that your bearded dragon can have after eating sugar include:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Loose Stool
  4. Lethargy
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Open-mouthed breathing
Sugar for Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sugary Fruits?

When we talk about sugary fruits then there are lots of them. Bearded dragons can eat them, but not all. Some fruits like pineapples, nectarines, cherries, bananas are too sweet for bearded dragons. Your dragon can even get sick after eating this much sugar. Let’s discuss why bearded dragons can’t eat fruits that are high in sugar in more detail.

1. No Nutrients

Bearded dragons should only eat food that is high in nutrients. Unfortunately, sugar doesn’t have much nutrients.  It only has calories. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat anything that’s only calories.

2. Not Enough Calcium

As mentioned before, bearded dragons must eat food that’s high in calcium. That’s because calcium helps in strengthening their bones. Bearded dragons aren’t able to stand properly if they don’t have enough calcium in their body. But unfortunately, sugar doesn’t contain calcium. That’s why it’s not good food for bearded dragons to eat sugar.

What Should Bearded Dragon Eat Instead of Sweet Fruits?

As mentioned before, bearded dragons are omnivores that must eat a balanced diet including both protein and plant. Sure, they can eat fruits. But it’s better if bearded dragons eat veggies instead of fruits. In fact, sweet fruits should be given sparingly because of containing high amount of sugar.

Further, following are some foods that you can give to bearded dragons instead of sweet fruits:

1. Vegetables 

Give your bearded dragon leafy greens like collard greens, mustard greens, kale and turnip greens. All these veggies have essential nutrients and minerals that a bearded dragon must consume. Apart from these veggies, occasionally give your beardie carrots, squash, zucchini and cucumber. Just make sure that whatever veggie your bearded dragons eats is cut in small size. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat any veggies that are bigger than the distance present between their eyes. This can cause impaction in bearded dragons. In result, bearded dragons can become stressed. 

2. Insects

Live insects are important for bearded dragons. They can eat  a variety of different worms like:

  1. Butter worms
  2. Super worms
  3. Mealworms
  4. Waxworms
  5. Dubia roaches
  6. Black soldier fly larvae
  7. Hornworms
  8. Crickets
  9. Phoenix worms
  10. Domestic silk moths
  11. Goliath Worms

3. Calcium and Vitamins 

Apart from the above food, you must dust your bearded dragon’s food with calcium and vitamin powder. That’s because all of the above foods don’t have enough vitamins and calcium that can ensure that bearded dragons live a healthy and long life. You can also use a multivitamin supplement. But just be cautious. Don’t overdo this step.

What Food is Bad for Bearded Dragons?

You should always prevent your bearded dragon from eating sugar. But apart from sugar, there are other foods as well that bearded dragons shouldn’t eat. That’s because instead of calcium, they have other ingredients like phosphorus that  bearded dragons shouldn’t eat. Foods that are bad for bearded dragons are:

  1. Chives
  2. Garlic
  3. Onions
  4. Rhubarb
  5. Eggplants
  6. Avocados
  7. Xylitol
  8. Gummy bears
  9. Yogurt
  10. Dairy Product
  11. Salt
  12. Ice cream
  13. Whipping cream

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sugar Cookies?

No. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat sugar cookies. That’s because sugar cookies contain ingredients such as sugar, flour and additives like artificial flavors and preservatives. All of these nutrients are not good for bearded dragons to eat. They can even get an upset stomach after eating this. 

So, if you want your bearded dragon to remain healthy, stick to a diet that mimics their food intake in the wild. Even if you want to give fruits including banana and nectarines, make sure they are cut in small pieces. Moreover, always wash fruits. In case you give them unwashed and dirty fruits to eat, pinworms count in their body can increase.


Can bearded dragons eat sugar? The short answer is no. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat sugar. That’s because sugar doesn’t have much nutrients. It only has calories. Bearded dragons should only eat food that’s high in calcium and vitamins. In case your bearded dragon accidentally eats sugar, consult your vet. 

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