Home Bearded Dragon Diet Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash?

by Liza Fatima
Can bearded dragons eat yellow squash?

As bearded dragon owner, we all want our beardies to live a happy and healthy life. We give them juicy fruits and vegetables, so that they can grow and thrive. Keep in mind that you need to give more protein to young bearded dragons. That’s because at that stage, bearded dragons are growing age. Just make sure that the bugs you give to your bearded dragons are fresh. Don’t give your beardie stink bugs.

They can make bearded dragons really sick.  But the good news is that both adult and juvenile bearded dragons can eat yellow squash. So, the next time someone questions you whether bearded dragons can eat yellow squash, then tell them know that yes, they can. That’s because yellow squash has vitamin A, B and C. Bearded dragons need all of these to make sure they live a healthy life. 

What are the Benefits of Yellow Squash for Bearded Dragons?

One of the fruits that bearded dragons – no matter – the age – can eat is yellow squash. The good news is that bearded dragons can eat yellow squash both raw and cooked. But what are some benefits of yellow squash for bearded dragons? Well, bearded dragons should eat yellow squash because it has:

1. Vitamin C

This is important for a bearded dragon’s immune system.  In fact, if your bearded dragon has mouth rot, then vitamin C is really good for them.

2. Vitamin B

Bearded dragons need vitamin B for neurological functioning as well as energy metabolism. There are lots of deficiencies in which vitamin B helps bearded dragons. 

3. Vitamin A

This is helpful for preventing thickening of cells in bearded dragons. In case bearded dragons have less vitamin A in their body, then their cells may also become cuboidal which can really affect their health.  

4. Iron

Bearded dragons, especially young beardies, need iron in their diet to grow. The good news is that yellow squash doesn’t have much iron. If beardies consume too much iron, then they can become seriously ill.

5. Folate

For a strong immune system, bearded dragon cells must be healthy. Further, for these bearded dragons, red blood cells production must be high. The best thing is that yellow squash has folate in them. 

6. Calcium

This is the most important ingredient that bearded dragons should always eat. That’s because one of the most common diseases among bearded dragons is metabolic bone disease. In this disease, bearded dragons’ bones become weak, and they become unable to move a lot. In fact, some bearded dragons just stay flat on the ground because they can’t move. 

How to Prepare Yellow Squash for Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons are reptiles that need lots of care. That’s why you need to make sure that whatever fruit you give to your bearded dragon is not only fresh but also good for them. But just keep in mind that not every fruit is for bearded dragons. For instance, orange. Bearded dragons shouldn’t be given oranges because they are high in acid. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat anything like that. Else, they can have an upset stomach. But fortunately, bearded dragons can eat yellow squash. But while preparing yellow squash for bearded dragons, make sure to do the following:

  1. Wash yellow squash with non-chlorinated water. Chlorinated water has chemicals that can cause eye infection and respiratory issues in bearded dragons. 
  2. Make sure that you are giving organic yellow squash only. Non-organic yellow squash is bad for bearded dragons because they have pesticides sprayed on them. 
  3. Now, peel yellow squash. Afterwards, cut yellow squash into small and manageable pieces. This is to ensure that bearded dragons don’t get impacted after eating big pieces of yellow squash. 
Bearded dragons can eat yellow squash.

Which is Best for Bearded Dragons? Raw Yellow Squash or Cooked Yellow Squash? 

Well, it doesn’t matter. You can give both raw and cooked yellow squash to bearded dragons. But it’s better to give raw yellow squash to bearded dragons. That’s because high heat can destroy many nutrients in yellow squash. What’s concerning is that after heating, yellow squash may also lose some water, and this isn’t good. Since bearded dragons don’t recognize standing water as water, it’s difficult for them to keep themselves hydrated. Even if you put water dish in their enclosure, they won’t drink from it. That’s why fruits that are high in water should be given to bearded dragons and for this very reason, prefer giving raw yellow squash over cooked yellow squash.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash Seeds?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat yellow squash seeds. That’s because the seeds aren’t only soft but also fully edible. Due to this, they are also called as ‘soft shell squash.’ The seeds are also full of iron, calcium and magnesium. All of these nutrients are helpful in making sure that your bearded dragon live a healthy life.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Squash Every Day?

No. Bearded dragons can’t eat yellow squash every day. That’s because they are high in sugar. If they eat food that are high in sugar, then they can quickly become overweight. Sure, you may think that for underweight bearded dragons, yellow squash is good because it’s full of nutrients. Well, you’re right here. But the problem is there are lots of other foods as well that bearded dragon can eat to gain weight. Good news is that all those foods don’t have any bad effect on bearded dragons’ health.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash Flowers?

Yes. Bearded dragons can eat squash flowers. Just make sure that you clean squash flowers with non-chlorinated water. That’s because in gardens stink bugs are also present. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat stink bugs because they are toxic. In case they eat stink bugs then they can get seriously sick.


Yes. Bearded dragons can eat yellow squash. Just make sure that you don’t give them yellow squash every day. That’s because yellow squash are high in sugar. Bearded dragons shouldn’t eat anything that’s high in sugar. Else, their weight can significantly increase. Further, make sure that you wash yellow squash. Because sometimes, there are pesticides on yellow squash. If bearded dragons eat such yellow squash, then they can get sick.

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