Home General Reptiles Guide Do reptiles need love?

Do reptiles need love?

by Reptiles Care

Have you ever wondered if reptiles need love just like humans? Well, yes. For sure, reptiles don’t crave love as much as humans, but they still have some emotional needs. They require attention and care from their caretakers. Because believe it or not, they aren’t as intelligent as humans. They just want a human buddy to look after them and handle their clumsiness. But among thousands of reptiles, which one can love you deeply? Well, there’s debate on this. But let’s not delve into that topic and look into the love needs of different reptiles. Additionally, we will tell you how to express your love to your reptile.

1. Snakes:

Undoubtedly, snakes may not crave physical affection like mammals do, but they still have some tiny need of it. Proof? They form bonds with their caretaker. But how can you show your love to them? Well, give them a secure and comfortable environment. Also, ensure their enclosure is spacious, equipped with hiding spots, and appropriate temperature and humidity levels are set. Moreover, regularly give them food and handle them gently to establish trust and familiarity.

2. Lizards:

Lizards, such as bearded dragons or leopard geckos, show that they need love by responding positively to human interaction. Now, how can you show your love to them? Spend some quality time with your lizard. Additionally, make hiding spots in your enclosure. Like a hawk, observe their body language. If they are hissing, know that they may attack you. On the contrary, if they are looking calm (here, you may find them inspecting different objects and flicking their tongue) slowly approach them. Keep them clean by bathing them every month. And lastly, give them healthy food.

3. Turtles and Tortoises:

Now, turtles are one of those reptiles that don’t need love but are open to become your friends. In fact, unlike cats and dogs, they don’t even need much of your attention and care. So, how can you still show your love to them? Well, hand-feed them food. Make a hiding spots and basking areas in their enclosure. At times, let them out of their enclosure. It’s better that you let them walk freely in your house patio. Going on a walk with them in park is also fine. But beware, from there they might catch some diseases.

4. Bearded Dragons:

Bearded dragons are frequently known to prefer loneliness. No offense, but they are like introverts. But the good thing is that they can recognize their owners. They can bond with you. However, the degree to which you love them doesn’t always equate to them loving you in return. In other words, you may love them deeply. But they may not. And that’s fine. Right? Now, how can you show that you love your beardie? Well, give them toys including slotted balls to play. But, beware don’t give them any marble or other small stones to play. They may choke on them. Give them a diverse diet. At times, stroke their heads and backs.

5. Geckos:

Geckos, such as leopard geckos or crested geckos, have the same issue. They can’t love you the way you love them. But that shouldn’t get in your way of loving them dearly! Show that you care for your gecko by giving them a comfortable habitat with all the hiding places and climbing structures. Make a proper care routine for them. In this routine, include their feeding, and cleaning time. Don’t pet them aggressively. If you are petting them and you find them moving away from you, tensing up, swinging their tails then know that they are not loving this very gesture of you, but are being distressed.

6. Crocodilians:

Crocodilians, such as alligators or crocodiles, can show their love to their mates but not necessarily to their owners. Now, despite them, not showing you love, how can you show that you love them? Well, give them an enclosure that is at least 60 to 70% filled. Even better, create a pool of water for them. This, as well, must be 60% to 70% filled with water. Now, why the pool of water? Well, crocs can come out of the pool and bask in the ground. Additionally, whenever you want to feed them, maintain a respectful distance.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Xylitol? - Reptiles Care 30 March 2024 - 16:27

[…] anything that is dangerous for them. As a bearded dragon owner, it’s your responsibility to show them your love by giving them varying healthy […]


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