Home Guide Things You need to know before buying chameleon

Things You need to know before buying chameleon

by Reptiles Care
Pet chameleon care

Chameleons are among those unique animals that have the remarkable ability to mimic the colors of their environment. They are cute, and beautiful. And may be that’s the reason you will consider buying them. But let’s alert you. Before you even do that, have the following information.

Chameleon Behavior:

Young chameleons generally have a dull grey or brown colour. Though, sometimes their colour slightly varies. Further, by the age of 5 months, chameleons develop the capability to change their colour and begin transitioning into shades of green, blue-green, turquoise, and black. But what advantages does this color changing ability have? Well, it serves various functions. It aids in camouflage, allowing them to blend into their surroundings. It contributes to temperature regulation and communication. Further, like anoles, chameleons alter their colour due to factors such as excitement, tension, variations in light, temperature shifts, and other stimuli.

Moreover, if you see them displaying colours ranging between black and dark brown, it means that they are stressed. On the other hand, if you see them in vibrant colours, then it means that they are content and cheerful.

Body of the Chameleon:

One quite unique feature of chameleons is their tongues, which are typically longer than their bodies, exceeding their length by more than 1.5 times. While you might associate chameleons with consuming vegetation, it’s important to note that many also eat insects and invertebrates. And they are quite expert in catching prey without getting too close to them.

Furthermore, they possess three toes. One toe points in a single direction, while the other points in opposite directions. These specialized toes provide stability when clinging to branches., which are adapted for gripping tree branches. Further, some chameleons also possess prehensile tails (well, this is still debatable).

They also have distinctive globular eyes that provide them with a wide field of vision. This
unique feature facilitates their ability to detect predators from various angles and effectively capture prey.

chameleon Habitat:

Being arboreal creatures, chameleons predominantly inhabit trees. Consequently, if you choose to keep them as pets, it’s imperative to recreate an environment that replicates their natural habitat.

To facilitate climbing, incorporate branches within the terrarium. Make sure to fill a significant portion of the enclosure with these branches. But beware, don’t add toxic foliage and plants. Because, it might lead to death if they consume it. For this very purpose, avoid substrates like gravel, sand, bark, or moss.

Although a spacious chameleon enclosure is recommended to be around 3 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet, larger cages are even better. Proper ventilation is crucial, and it’s advisable to ensure that poly mesh or vinyl-coated wire covers at least three sides of the terrarium to prevent toe injuries.

Also, provide a dedicated basking area for your chameleons. But determining the appropriate basking temperature can be challenging. For this very purpose, consult with fellow chameleon owners that have the same species as you have. They might guide you in this case.

Do remember that chameleons do not typically drink from bowls or dishes like other reptiles. In the wild, they prefer to drink water droplets from leaves. So to mimic how they live in the wild, give them water by misting the enclosure at least twice daily. Alternatively, you can utilize drip systems by placing ice cubes on top.

A helpful tip: keep the drip in a fixed position rather than constantly moving it around when employing a drip system. This ensures that your chameleon can access water without difficulty. Misting also contributes to maintaining appropriate humidity levels within the enclosure. An additional advantage of drip systems is their capacity to collect excess moisture, particularly useful when humidity levels become excessive within the enclosure.

Light for chameleon :

Chameleons require light—both UVA and UVB rays. The latter because it produces vitamin D that in turn helps in processing calcium and the prior because it improves the overall well-being. In the wild, chameleons can obtain both of these from the sun. But in captivity, ensure this by installing a bulb that emits both UVB and UVA rays.

Food of chameleon:

Chameleons are among those reptiles that can consume a variety of insects, ranging from
crickets to roaches. But what insect your chameleon likes the most, you can find that out by experimenting with it by giving them different insects. Further, whatever you give to them, ensure that the insects you offer are gut-loaded—meaning you feed these insects nutritious food before they are eaten by your chameleon. This way, when your chameleon consumes them, it gets more nutrients. Apart from insects, you can also give them leafy plants such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, etc.

Additionally, many chameleons can experience vitamin A and calcium deficiencies due to inadequate diets. They can also suffer from diseases like mouth rot and metabolic bone disease. The worst? It can lead to death.

All in all, if you want to buy chameleon, prefer buying those that are bred and raised in captivity. This is because if you buy a wild-caught chameleon, they might be stressed because of the change in environment. Also, these chameleons can also carry parasites and may struggle to adapt to the new environment, leading to further complications.

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