Home Bearded Dragon Care Do Bearded Dragon Need Water Dish?

Do Bearded Dragon Need Water Dish?

by Minhaj Raza
Do Bearded Dragon Need Water Dish?

Like any other living being, bearded dragons also need water to survive. They are one of the smartest reptiles. They can identify their food – mealworms, super worms, crickets, etc. – really quickly. How? Well, that’s because all their food moves. But beware. If you have an adult bearded dragon, then they should have only 30% bugs in their diet.  Furthermore, make sure that after feeding them insects, there are no live crickets present in their enclosure. Live crickets can nibble on your beardies eyes. In turn, they can get stressed really quickly. Now, contrary to food, bearded dragons can’t identify standing water in a water dish as something to drink. Some bearded dragons, in turn, become dehydrated. Fortunately, there are bearded dragon owners who know how important water is for a bearded dragon. But one thing that always comes to their mind is: do bearded dragons need a water dish? If you are also thinking along these lines, then you have come to the right place.

Do Bearded Dragons Need a Water Dish?

The answer to this question varies. That’s because if you live in a dry and hot region of the world, then to make sure your bearded dragon doesn’t get sick after getting dehydrated, give them water in a water dish. 

Just make sure you are adding freshwater to that water dish. For sure, bearded dragons are beginner-friendly reptiles. But they need to be taken care of. Humidity level of their enclosure must be between 20-40%. Now, if you live in a dry region, rest assured. Water dish filled with water won’t increase their enclosure humidity. In fact, a water dish can ensure that your bearded dragon will cool down in case he or she feels hot. Water dish also makes sure your bearded dragon doesn’t feel dehydrated. Water also helps them during shedding.

Moreover, if you live in a cold and humid region, it’s obvious that your beardie enclosure’s humidity level will also increase. That’s why it’s recommended to add a water dish to their enclosure only for a couple of hours every day. Bearded dragons can develop respiratory issues if their enclosure humidity level is high. 

Which Water Dish is Best for Bearded Dragons?

We understand that there are lots of options to choose from when it comes to selecting the best water dish for a bearded dragon. But this shouldn’t be too complicated. Make sure your bearded dragon’s must have

  1. Shallow Water Dish –  Being small reptiles, bearded dragons can easily drown in their water dish. That’s why you need to make sure their water dish isn’t too shallow. Keep in mind that bearded dragons can swim, but swimming can increase their heart rate. Your bearded dragon, in turn, can become really stressed after swimming.
  1. Metal Bowls – Make sure the water dish for your bearded dragon is made of stainless steel. That’s because stainless steel is easy to clean. They don’t absorb odor over time. They even keep water cool in warm temperatures. But let’s face it – a metal water dish can be expensive. Plastic water dishes are another option. But the problem is they can absorb odor in the long run. In turn, your house can smell really bad. Now, if you want to go with a water dish that doesn’t absorb odor and is cheap, then buy ceramic water dishes. They are really popular among bearded dragon owners.

Where Should I Put My Bearded Dragon’s Water Dish?

The answer to this depends on the humidity level of their enclosure. If it is less than 20%, you should place the water dish towards the warm side of their enclosure. On the contrary, if the humidity is higher than 20%, then place the water dish on the cool side.

If you have more than one bearded dragon, make sure you have a separate water dish for each of them. Bearded dragons are quite territorial. Water bowls can absorb a bearded dragon’s odor, which if another bearded dragon smells, then they can become aggressive. The scary thing is that bearded dragons bite when they are angry. And it doesn’t matter whether they are tamed or not. When they get angry, they become defensive.

Bearded Dragon Water Dish

How Much Water Do Bearded Dragons Need?

For proper bodily function, a bearded dragon must drink water each day. Now, sure, they can go without water for 3 days, but severe dehydration can cause constipation.

Bearded dragons need 0.1 ml of water per 10 grams. This means that if your bearded dragon weighs between 10 and 20 grams, then they must drink 0.1 and 0.2 ml of water, respectively. Furthermore, bearded dragons that live in warm and dry regions can get dehydrated very quickly. So, if you live in warmer regions, make sure your bearded dragon is drinking water each day.

What Kind of Water Should Be Added to the Water Dish?

You should only give water that is free of chlorine and fluorine to your bearded dragon because both of these minerals are bad for them. Bottled water filled with filtered water is also good for your bearded dragon as it is free from all contaminants. However, be cautious – do not add tap water to their water dish. Tap water often includes pesticides and toxic metals. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites are also found in tap water. Drinking such water can increase the pinworm count in their GI tract. In turn, they can become sick quickly.

How to Tame a Bearded Dragon to Drink from a Water Dish?

As a bearded dragon owner, you might be somewhat knowledgeable about how difficult it is for your bearded dragon to remain hydrated. That’s because, unlike food, they don’t drink water with much passion. That’s why it’s important to train them to drink water from a water dish.

1. Add Insects in Water Dish

Bearded dragons typically perceive small, moving objects as bugs. Even if you move your fingers in front of their face, they may mistake them for insects. Utilize this instinctive behavior to your advantage. Add some mealworms to their water dish. And see your bearded dragon sipping water while eating the bugs.

2. Splash Water

As mentioned before, bearded dragons don’t recognize standing water as water. You have to attract them to drink water by splashing water in a water dish. Just make sure your hands are clean.

3. Add Movement

Take some water from the water dish and pour it from some distance into their water dish. Again, ensure that both your hands and water are clean.

4. Add juice

As per VCA, bearded dragons have a strong sense of smell. That’s why adding some juice to their water dish will catch their attention. The good thing is that you can use this very instinctive behavior to your advantage. In other words, add juice in your bearded dragon’s water dish and see them drinking water.  

5. Add Some Bee Pollen

Bearded dragons are among the pickiest eaters out there. However,  there is something in bee pollen that attracts their attention. Maybe the warm scent? Nevertheless,  take advantage of their interest in bee pollen. Add some amount of bee pollen in their water dish. 

6. Add Some Greens

Bearded dragons eating greens voraciously is not something we hear about often. That’s because bearded dragons typically don’t enjoy eating greens. However, like any other animal, every bearded dragon is different. Some love eating vegetables. If your bearded dragon enjoys eating veggies, add some vegetables like kale, butternut squash, and celery to the water.

When Should You Give Water to Your Bearded Dragon in a Water Dish?

As mentioned before, bearded dragons need to hydrate themselves by drinking water every day. However, make sure they drink water from their water dish after they come out of their basking spot. That’s because basking can make them really hot. To cool down, they should drink water from the water dish. Additionally, after playing games with them, provide them with some water to drink.

Is Bottled Water Safe for Your Bearded Dragon?

Bottled water is safe for your bearded dragon as long as it is filled with filtered and chemical-free water. Additionally, spring water bottled at the source is also suitable for your bearded dragon to drink.

How Do I Know If My Bearded Dragon is Thirsty?

Bearded dragons don’t get thirsty as often as humans do. They can go without drinking for up to two days without becoming sick. However, if they remain thirsty for more than four days, dehydration may occur. Following signs indicate that your bearded dragon is thirsty:

  1.  Wrinkly, loose, or saggy skin
  2.  Skin doesn’t return to its original place after pinching
  3.  Constipation or difficulty in passing stool
  4.  Sunken eyes
  5.  Inactivity
  6.  Dull skin

Should I Give My Bearded Dragon Warm or Cold Water In a Water Dish?

Don’t give cold water to your bearded dragon. Cold water can  shut down their bodies. On the other hand, warm water can burn their mouths from inside. That’s why it is advisable to always  add lukewarm water to their water dish. If you have a thermometer, use it to ensure the water temperature in water dish is between 29.4 and 37.7 degrees Celsius (85 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit).

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