Home Bearded Dragon Diet How to Make Your Bearded Dragon Gain Weight?

How to Make Your Bearded Dragon Gain Weight?

by Liza Fatima
How to Make Bearded Dragon Gain Weight?

We all know that a healthy bearded dragon is equal to a happy bearded dragon owner. But the problem is, sometimes, a bearded dragon can make their owner scared by not growing. In other words, for some reason bearded dragons become weak and sick. And believe us – this is also a nightmare for beardie owners because everyone wants their bearded dragon to look healthy and happy. But don’t you worry. If you are searching for the answer to this question: How to Make Bearded Dragon Gain Weight?, then you have reached the right place. In this article, we will tell you how to make your bearded dragon put on some weight.

But before you read further, you should know the right length and weight of bearded dragons based on its age:

AgeLength (inches)Weight (grams)
Adults16-19(female) and 19-24(male)400-550
Bearded Dragon Weight and Length As Per Their Age

In other words, this means that a hatchling will be considered healthy if it weighs 4-6 grams. Baby and Juvenile bearded dragons, on the other hand, should be considered healthy only if they weigh 4-20 grams. An adult bearded dragon must weigh 400 grams to be considered healthy.

Factors that Influence Bearded Dragon’s Growth

Just like every human is different, every bearded dragon is also different. And there’s no one way to gauge how big your bearded dragon will become. But there are many factors that influence beardie growth, including:

  1. Lighting – Bearded dragons need adequate light to remain healthy. Usually, a UV light source is best for bearded dragons. Apart from artificial light, bearded dragons also need natural sunlight. That’s because UVB in sunlight helps bearded dragons in making vitamin D.
  2. Temperature – Since bearded dragons are desert reptiles, they need a specific temperature to thrive. Their basking spot must be of 104-107 °F, but the overall temperature of their tank must be around 71-77 °F.
  3. Hygiene – Unlike humans, bearded dragons don’t know how to clean themselves up. You have to take care of their hygiene yourself.
  4. Diet – Bearded dragons need to eat both bugs and veggies. That’s because they are omnivores. At times, you should also give them fruits like nectarine and bananas. But beware. Too much sugary food can make them obese. You shouldn’t even think about giving them ice cream as a treat either. Because bearded dragons lack the enzyme that breaks down lactose. In worse cases, your bearded dragon can even die after eating too many dairy products.
  5. Hydration – Water contains essential nutrients important for bearded dragon’s growth. But since bearded dragons can’t recognize standing water as water, they can get dehydrated really quickly. And when they don’t drink water, their growth is stunted. 
  6. Calcium – One of the most common diseases due to which bearded dragons get sick is metabolic bone disease. Under this condition, bearded dragons have difficulty standing up. They literally lie flat on the ground.
  7. Brumation – Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles. They are native to Australian deserts. In other words, their body is adapted to warm weather. But when the temperature becomes low, i.e., winter arrives, then they go into brumation. During  this time, they stop eating. They only drink water. Bearded dragons who go into brumation before turning 12 months can have stunted growth.
  8. Sleep – Bearded dragons need to sleep at least 14-15 hours a day to be healthy. And since they are diurnal reptiles, they are active during the day only. But there are many factors that can prevent your bearded dragon from sleeping.
Factors that Influence Bearded Dragon Growth

Signs that Shows Bearded Dragon are Unhealthy

Unlike cats and dogs, there’s no way a bearded dragon can tell us that they are unhealthy. But fortunately, there are many signs that indicate your beardie is sick.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Loose skin
  • Sunken eyes
  • Jerky movement
  • Constipation
  • Breathing problems
  • Inadequate basking
  • Weird body postures

Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon is Losing Weight

Just like there isn’t one reason that explains why your bearded dragon is sick, in the same vein, there isn’t any one reason behind your bearded dragon’s weight loss. Following are some reasons due to which your beardie might be losing weight.

1. Insufficient Food

Since bearded dragons are omnivores, they need to eat both veggies and bugs to grow. But the problem is some beardies are picky. They don’t eat veggies. 

Now,  their owners, instead of giving in to their beardies’ demand, should look for ways that can make their beardies eat veggies. 

You can find many amazing tips in the following video

Keep in mind that young and juvenile bearded dragons, as compared to adult bearded dragons, need to eat a lot. That’s because they are in the growing stage.

2. Parasites

Pinworms, motile protozoa, and coccidia are three common parasites found in a bearded dragon’s digestive tract. They can get inside a bearded dragon’s GI tract when they eat food that’s contaminated with parasites. 

Signs of parasites in bearded dragon include:

  • Loose stool
  • Diarrhea with blood
  • Anorexia (not eating)
  • Vomiting
  • Stunted growth

3. Stress

Bearded dragons can get stressed when they don’t get the right environment to thrive. So, make sure everything from their diet to lighting is right.

4. Dehydration

When it comes to hydration, most bearded dragons are dehydrated. Why? Most bearded dragons can’t recognize water as something that can quench their thirst. Such beardies have stunted growth.

That’s why make sure your bearded dragon drinks water at least twice a week, if not every three days. Also, make sure the water is non chlorinated. Bearded dragons can’t digest chlorine. 

5. Dental Issues

If you’re giving too many sugary fruits, dried foods, or cooked vegetables to your bearded dragon, then the chances of them suffering from dental issues are very high. So, be very cautious about what goes into your bearded dragon’s mouth. Because if left untreated, a simple tooth problem can turn into mouth rot!

How to Make a Weak Bearded Dragon Gain Weight?

Well, there’s no one way to help your bearded dragon gain weight. Instead, there are several things that you need to take care of in case you want to make your bearded dragon gain weight. Following is a list of all those things:

1. High-Fat Containing Food

If you are feeding your bearded dragon daily crickets and roaches, good job. But to make your bearded dragon again weight, offer them waxworms, mealworms, and super worms. All of them contain a high amount of fat – a nutrient that can make your bearded dragon put on some weight. You can also feed pinkies to your bearded dragon. But be very cautious – bearded dragons can eat pinkies occasionally. Feeding too many pinkies can cause them health issues.

In short, increase the fat intake of your bearded dragon to help them gain some weight. Some high-fat containing foods include:

  • Carrots
  • Leafy greens
  • Eggs
  • Waxworms
  • Mealworms
  • Super worms
  • Phoenix worms
  • Dubia roaches 
  • Frozen pinkies
  • Mice

2. Variety in Food

Apart from protein and fat that they can get from bugs, bearded dragons also need other nutrients, including iron, fiber, calcium, vitamin C, A, K, as well as B for proper growth and development. Some veggies and fruits that contain these nutrients include acorn squash, alfalfa, bell peppers, bok choy, cactus leaves, carrots, celery, cilantro, raisins, etc. Just make sure you aren’t giving them too many sugary foods.

A sick bearded dragon, instead of gaining weight, will become obese after consuming too many sugary foods. Further, make sure that no matter what happens, you never give avocado, beet greens, citrus fruits, or wild plants to your bearded dragon. All these foods are toxic to your beardie.

3. Increase Feeding Frequency

Just like adult and baby bearded dragons should have a different amount of insects, in the same way, depending upon the age, the frequency of their food should also change. For your convenience, we have provided a chart:

AgeDiet (in %)Feeding FrequencyInsects and VeggiesMultivitamin Powder
Hatchling (0-3 months)80% insects and 20% veggies3-5 times a day5 insects and 2 teaspoon of veggies2x/weeks on salads
Juvenile (3-12 months)70% insects and 30% veggies2-3 times a day10 insects and 2-3 tablespoon of veggies2x/weeks on salads
Sub-Adult(12-18 months)50% insects and 50% veggies1-2 times a day10 insects and ¼ cup of veggies1x/weeks on salads
Adult(18+ months)20% insects and 80% veggies3-4 times in one week5 insects and ½ cup of veggies1x/weeks on salads
Bearded Dragon’s Feeding Frequency

4. Give Sufficient Lighting and Heating

To make sure your bearded dragon gains weight, another factor that plays a significant role is lighting. Since bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, they depend on external sources to regulate their temperature. The right temperature also helps them digest food. But just make sure the UVB lighting – a replacement for sunlight – that you provide to your bearded dragon should be changed after every 6 months. Now, what should be the temperature of cool, warm, and basking spots? Well, to answer this, we have created a chart for your ease:

Bearded Dragon AgeCool Side Temperature (F)Warm Side Temperature (F)Basking Temperature (F)
0-4 months8595-100105-110
5-11 months80-8595100-105
12+ months75-8090-9595-100
Bearded Dragon Age and Temperature

5. Coconut Oil

Another food that can help a bearded dragon gain weight is coconut oil. It is rich in unsaturated fats and contains anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. But before including coconut oil in their diet, remember to introduce the oil gradually so that the bearded dragon’s body can adjusts to the change. Further, coconut oil is rich in calories – 120 calories – so only use it in moderation.

Coconut Oil for Bearded Dragon Weight Gain

6. Exercise Your Bearded Dragon

Helping your bearded dragon gain weight doesn’t mean that you should just let them eat and sleep. Instead, add some exercise into your bearded dragon’s routine. Because just by consuming calories, your bearded dragon’s weight gain will translate into fat, not muscles. That’s a clear path towards obesity.

So, why not add some exercise to your bearded dragon’s routine? Apart from health benefits, exercise will aid your bearded dragon in consuming higher quantities of calories. In turn, stoke its hunger. Further, gained weight will turn into muscle, not fat. Keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat!

7. Be Patient

Weight gaining is a long process that needs patience and consistent assessment. Once you’ve established your bearded dragon’s diet routine, weigh your bearded dragon every couple of weeks. Follow the same track if you see positive results. If not, enhance your bearded dragon’s diet. Keep in mind that muscle takes time to build. So refrain from weighing your bearded dragon every day.

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