Home Guide Are There Any Blue Bearded Dragons?

Are There Any Blue Bearded Dragons?

by Minhaj Raza
Are there any blue bearded dragons

If you’re like us, you may have probably seen only central bearded dragons that are brown in color. But just recently, we saw one blue bearded dragon on the internet. The blue color of that bearded dragon was resembling blue ink. And that makes us think: Are there any blue bearded dragons in the world?

Well, no, there are no blue bearded dragons in the world. Blue bearded dragon pictures that are surfacing on the internet are heavily edited. In reality, such colored bearded dragons don’t exist. But yes, there are some bearded dragons that have blue bars on their back, sides, and bellies.

Do Blue Bearded Dragons Exists?

No, there’s no chance that you’ll ever find any blue bearded dragon in the world. If someone tells you that they have a blue bearded dragon, then they are lying. Right now, there are no blue bearded dragons in the world.

But yes, some morphs of bearded dragons have blue bars on their body. These bearded dragons are not completely blue. They are a bit greyish.

Blue Bars in Bearded Dragons

Some morphs of bearded dragons have blue or silver stripes on their back and belly. Sometimes, these blue bars also turn dark purple. And no. These bars are not present in all bearded dragons. They are present only on a specific morph of bearded dragons.

But how are these blue-barred bearded dragons born? Well, when one bearded dragon with hypo (hypomelanism) traits is bred with another bearded dragon possessing translucent traits, hypo-trans bearded dragon that have blue bars on their body is born.

Now, how can you spot a bearded dragon that has both hypo and trans traits? Well, it’s simple. If the bearded dragon has lighter color skin on eyes and nails, then it’s a hypo bearded dragon. Such bearded dragons also have clear nails. On the other hand, bearded dragons with translucent traits have see-through skin. They also have black eyes.

But nature is pretty weird at times. There were also times when one bearded dragon with hypo genes was paired with another bearded dragon with trans genes. But despite this, blue-barred bearded dragon was not born. Such bearded dragons are called double het. You can read more about that here  

Are There Any Rainbow Blue Bearded Dragons?

No, bearded dragons with rainbow blue color don’t exist in the world. If you see any photo or video claiming or showing a rainbow bearded dragon, then know that the video is fake. Rainbow blue bearded dragons can’t be born even by breeding bearded dragons showing different genes.

But yes, there are purple bearded dragons. These bearded dragons are born when one bearded dragon that has the trans gene is paired with another bearded dragon that also has trans genes. But as these purple bearded dragons grow up, they lose their color and turn white—in other words, become translucent. From any breeder, you’ll get a purple bearded dragon at a price that varies from $269.95 to $999.

Are There Any Rainbow Bearded Dragon in the World?

Are Blue-Bar Bearded Dragons Common?

Actually, it depends. If you go to reptile stores, you would rarely see blue-bar bearded dragons. But if you go to any breeder and ask them if they have blue-bar bearded dragons, their answer would be yes. That’s because, to boost up their sales, breeders pair bearded dragons that have different genes.

Can Any Bearded Dragon Have Blue Bars?

No! It’s not possible for bearded dragons to look white one day but turn yellow the next day. In fact, any bearded dragon can’t have blue bars. Only when one bearded dragon with hypo genes is paired with another bearded dragon of trans genes, then blue-barred bearded dragons are born.

Again, if you see any video where bearded dragons are turning blue, then that video is probably fake.

Can Bearded Dragons of Different Morphs Have Blue Bars?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: if any of these morphs are paired with a bearded dragon having hypo-trans genes, then blue-barred bearded dragons can be born.

Keep in mind there are varying morphs of bearded dragons including classic, hypomelanistic, leatherback, translucent, silkback, German giant, Dunner.

Where Can You Find Blue-Bar Bearded Dragons?

Well, in the wild, it’s rare to find a blue bearded dragon. But in some pet stores and breeding shops, you’ll easily find blue bearded dragons. Furthermore, if you buy from pet stores, be cautious. Both pet stores and breeding shops have multiple bearded dragons housed together. That’s why almost every bearded dragon there is underweight. Just make sure you give them proper food and take care of them to help them gain weight. Schedule a vet checkup. That’s because bearded dragons, irrespective of their color, when kept together in one tank can catch varying diseases, including salmonella. Unfortunately, you can also get salmonella. So make sure you wash your hands after handling any beardie brought from pet stores or breeders shop.

Can You Give Blue Worms to Bearded Dragons?

Yes, you can give blue worms that are actually hornworms to bearded dragons. Juvenile bearded dragons can eat 20-50 hornworms in a day, whereas adult bearded dragons can also eat the same number—20-50—hornworms in one week.

They are really good for a dehydrated bearded dragon because they have a high amount of water. In fact, they have about 47mg of calcium. So, if you’re worried about your bearded dragon developing metabolic bone disease, instead of giving them dairy products, yogurt, or bananas, give them hornworms. The good thing is that hornworms are low in fat. Further, since they have a soft exoskeleton, your bearded dragon won’t be impacted after eating.

Benefits of blue worms for bearded dragons

What’s the Cost of Blue Bearded Dragons?

As mentioned before, blue bearded dragons will cost you anywhere between $269.95 to $999. That’s because many factors come into play during this whole buying process, like location, genetics, and breeding shops. On the other hand, it would cost you anywhere between $40 to $60 to buy a normal bearded dragon.

How To Care of Blue Bearded Dragons?

Well, like any normal bearded dragon, make sure you take care of the following:

  1. Tank Size: If you have an adult blue bearded dragon, then its tank must be of 50 gallon size. But if you have a baby blue bearded dragon, 50 or even 20 gallons is enough.
  2. Light: Since blue bearded dragons don’t get direct sunlight in captivity, you have to install UVB lights that the beardie can use to make vitamin D. Furthermore, these UVB bulbs must be switched on for 12 hours a day.
  3. Substrate: The bedding of the tank is called substrate. If you have a young blue bearded dragon, it’s better to opt for carpet as a substrate. But if you have an adult blue bearded dragons, you can also use newspaper or paper towels as a substrate.
  4. Humidity: Because of water dish, tank’s humidity can rise to a whopping 30% at times. This can cause problems for blue bearded dragons. Since they are native to the desert, they don’t need high humidity. A humidity level of 20% is enough to keep them healthy.
  5. Temperature: The tank of blue bearded dragons has three different temperatures. 75 – 85 Fahrenheit on the cool side, 95 – 100 Fahrenheit on the basking side, and 65 – 75 Fahrenheit during nighttime.
  6. Decor: Bearded dragons can get bored pretty easily. That’s why it’s essential to add some decor like driftwood or rock in their tank. Blue bearded dragons love climbing.
  7. Food: Since bearded dragons are omnivores and should eat only bugs and veggies, a young blue bearded dragon must have 70% bugs and 30% veggies. An adult blue bearded dragon, on the other hand, should eat only 30% bugs and 70% veggies.
  8. Vitamins: Blue bearded dragons, like any normal bearded dragons, can develop metabolic bone disease. That’s why it’s recommended to dust their food with calcium or vitamin D3 powder at least two times a week.


There isn’t any bearded dragon in the world that has blue color. So if someone claims that they have blue bearded dragons, then they are probably lying. But yes, bearded dragons with blue bars do exist in the world. They are made by breeding a hypo bearded dragon with a trans bearded dragon.

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1 comment

How Much are Bearded Dragons at PetSmart? - Reptiles Care 24 February 2024 - 17:44

[…] PetSmart doesn’t sell blue bearded dragons. That’s because blue-bearded dragons don’t exist.  No matter how many pictures of blue […]


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