Home Bearded Dragon Care How to Tame a Bearded Dragon?

How to Tame a Bearded Dragon?

by Minhaj Raza
How to tame a Bearded Dragon?

If you have just bought a bearded dragon, chances are it hasn’t been acclimated to your presence. That’s why whenever you try to pick it up, it will try to bite you. When you enter its room, they open their mouths.

Well, that’s because your bearded dragon is considering you a predator. Hence, it is biting you to scare you away. But since you are an owner, it’s important to do something about this. Because by nature, bearded dragons aren’t aggressive.

They are pretty docile and beginner-friendly. Part of the reason they are considered the beginner-friendly reptiles for families is that if they are comfortable around you or have been tamed, you’ll have a blast of time living with them. 

Tips for Taming a Bearded Dragon

Taming a bearded dragon is a lengthy process. Some beardies take weeks to trust their owners, while others take months. In other words, it totally depends on the bearded dragon. Remember, each beardie is a different individual.  One beardie’s nature might be different from another beardie’s nature.

But before we start, let’s tell you that timing is crucial in taming a beardie. If you tame them in the morning, because of being hungry, they might become aggressive – hunger makes them angry. Night is the perfect time for taming sessions. Since bearded dragons are diurnal reptiles – active during the day – it’s best to tame them when they are less energetic i.e at night.

Now, let’s look at ways of taming a bearded dragon.

1.  Show Yourself

In the initial days, due to the new environment, your bearded dragon may be stressed. In turn, you’ll find their beard black. But don’t let this scare you away. After 2 and 4 days of them in your house, show yourself. Let your presence be known to them. For instance, if you are doing homework, take your laptop and sit in front of their enclosure. If you are reading, sit in front of their enclosure so that they can see you. In short, show yourself.

2. Feed Them

Never hand-feed your bearded dragons in the beginning. This is because, since they have moved into a new place, they will be stressed. 

And you shouldn’t make them more stressed by trying to hand-feed them. Also, keep in mind that every bearded dragon is different. They are different individuals. Some bearded dragons will straightaway reject eating anything from your hand, even if they are hungry.

Other times, some bearded dragons might bite you. Since they have small sharp teeth, their bites do hurt. Baby bearded dragons’ bites don’t hurt as much as adult bearded dragons’ bites. So, be extra cautious when you are taming a bearded dragon. Also, never force your bearded dragon. If they eat from your hand, good! But if not, then don’t force them. Don’t poke them.

In short, it’s best if you give them food using tongs. This will make them associate you with something delicious – food. Now, while you are doing this, remember patience is key. Your bearded dragon can’t be tamed overnight. They won’t trust you in one day. It takes time for them to trust you. So, keep doing your work. 

Just keep adjusting your process. For instance, while taming one of our rescued bearded dragons, after feeding we put our hand near them. You can also replicate this to make your beardies become comfortable with you. Also, don’t talk while you are feeding them. Make sure there’s no noise in the room. Bearded dragons have sensitive ears and they can easily get stressed because of loud noise. Putting a piece of cloth that has your scent is also one viable way of taming them. Bearded dragons are good at recognizing scents.  Whenever you handle them, your scent will tell them that you are not someone who’ll harm them.

Tame Bearded Dragon by Feeding Them

3. Pet Them – Don’t Make Them Angry

Like pet and dog owners, one way bearded dragon owners show their love to beardies is through petting. But if your bearded dragon is not tamed, they will not allow you to even pet them. Luckily, there’s one time they will allow you to pet them: when you are feeding them.

However, here as well, don’t overdo this. Pet them for a minute or two while giving them food. Some bearded dragons love pets on their beards and back, while others love head pets. Again, it’s all about time. Pet them and see where they like you to pet them. Just don’t pet them on their bellies and tails. They don’t like humans petting them there. Do not pet them against their scales. Pet them in the direction their scales are.

4. Handle Them the Right Way

Wash your hands before holding them. This will prevent you from transferring germs to them. Further, be as gentle as possible when you are holding them. They are delicate creatures.

Gently Hold a Bearded Dragon while Taming

Slowly approach them. Be mindful of your fingers. Don’t move your fingers in front of them; they will consider it as some worm. Also, don’t try to approach them from the top and back. They have a third eye on top.  Instead, place your hand in front of them. Your hand should be seen by your bearded dragon.

Don’t scare your bearded dragon by making quick movements. Instead, put the index finger and thumb on their head and belly, respectively. The rest of your fingers should support their body.

Further, make sure you don’t handle bearded dragons every day, especially baby bearded dragons. They can get seizures.

Instead, start handling short sessions. And then, if they start becoming comfortable under your touch, increase session time.

Eventually, there will come a time when your bearded dragon will climb on your shoulder. Lastly, stay calm. Don’t shout or scream if the bearded dragon gets out of your hold. This will make them even more stressed.

5. Bring Them Outside the Enclosure

Like us, all bearded dragons need to get out of their enclosure. They are pretty curious reptiles. You can tame them by letting them freely explore your house. But be very cautious while you are doing this. Make sure they don’t get hurt. And since they are really small, there’s a chance of them getting inside sofas, beds, etc.

Further, you can also try a treadmill wheel. Even if they are squirming, make sure you don’t let them go. This is because squirming under your hold is part of the process. Just be consistent with this. Make sure you are sitting on the bed or some soft place so that in case your bearded dragon jumps from your hold, they don’t get hurt. Just make sure that wherever you take them out of their enclosure, other bearded dragons – if you have any – can’t see them. Bearded dragons, especially males, are quite territorial.

Train Them to Come to their Name

Isn’t this so cool when your bearded dragon will come to you when you call them?

To train your bearded dragon to come to its name, put their favorite food – worms – on one hand. Make sure that they can see you. Then call their names. If they have seen the bugs wiggling in the tongs in your hand, they will definitely run towards you.

Make sure you treat them after they come to you. This will create positive associations.

Note: Only do this step once your bearded dragon is completely tamed. Until and unless they are completely tamed, the chances of them responding to their name are zero. 

Signs that Your Bearded Dragon is Tamed

It sure takes a lot of time and effort to tame a bearded dragon, but it’s definitely worth it. If your bearded dragon is tamed, it will:

  1. Become excited when you go near their terrarium.
  2. Sit on your lap.
  3. Fall asleep on you.
  4. Stare at you without opening their mouth.
  5. Watch movies with you.
  6. Voluntarily come to you.


Sure. It’s difficult to tame a bearded dragon. But it’s not impossible. With patience and right strategies, even an aggressive bearded dragon can be calmed down.

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