Home Bearded Dragon Care Toys for Bearded Dragons – Should You Buy Them?

Toys for Bearded Dragons – Should You Buy Them?

by Minhaj Raza
Toys for Bearded Dragons - Should You Buy Them?

Bearded dragons, like humans, can become bored really easily. If you don’t spend some time with them then you won’t be able to make a bond. The sole purpose of a pet that is to spend a good time together won’t be fulfilled. That’s why it’s important to create a healthy bond with bearded dragons. And for this, it’s more important to know what are some methods that can be used to tame bearded dragons. 

Fortunately, there are lots of ways that can help you tame bearded dragons. But out of all, today we will talk about the methods that we use. Well, that method is of taming bearded dragons by adding toys to their tank. 

But is it safe to add some toys to their tank? Well, yes. You can add toys to bearded dragons’s tank. But, make sure to either help them with toys or involve yourself in helping them play with toys. In captivity, bearded dragons can become bored really easily. This is because in the wild, they get their food by catching bugs and this is what keeps them energized. In captivity, bearded dragons can’t do this because one they are placed in a tank, and two they get all their food inside their enclosure.

What bearded dragons eat and from where their food should be bought is a problem for bearded dragons’ owners. Not for bearded dragons – in the wild, this is the problem of bearded dragon owners.

By the way, if you are a new bearded dragon owner, then first of all, congratulations and good luck. Bearded dragons are fun to be with. They are also beginner-friendly reptiles. And we highly doubt that you would know how to care for bearded dragons. Well, we have a range of articles on this topic. Feel free to read those articles and let us know if you want us to cover more articles on that topic. 

Now, maybe here you might be thinking of buying toys for bearded dragons. But do bearded dragons like to play? The answer is yes and no. 

Do Bearded Dragons Like to Play with Toys?

There isn’t a black-and-white answer to this question. This is because bearded dragons can’t speak human language. They can’t tell us whether they like to play with toys or not. But, fortunately, there is one way that can help you gauge whether your bearded dragons love to play with toys or not and that is by seeing if they are enjoying themselves while playing. This means that if your bearded dragon doesn’t become stressed or angry and is acting just normal when you place toys in their tank then that means it likes playing with toys. 

On the other hand, if dragons are getting stressed and showing their anger by puffing when you place toys in their tank then that means that they don’t like to play with toys. Now, in this case, your strategy should be to introduce toys one by one in their tank. For instance, add a ball or whatever toys you want to add in the corner of the tank. Make sure your dragon can clearly see the toy. After a week or two, you can add another toy to their enclosure. 

What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Play With?

 There isn’t a single toy that bearded dragons like to play with. This is because in the wild, bearded dragons don’t play with any toy. They just spent their days on branches. When they are not resting they are usually hunting their predators. At night they sleep. So, keeping in mind this routine of bearded dragons, it’s not right to say that bearded dragons like to play with toys or anything else. Although in the wild, by hunting predators they keep themselves enriched. Maybe this is the reason they don’t have the need to play with something.

But since they can’t hunt for food, it’s highly likely that they will become bored. When bored, bearded dragons become sad. And if your bearded dragon isn’t happy while they are with you, then you have failed as a bearded dragon owner. To prevent bearded dragons from becoming bored, take them out for a walk safely with you. Buy a carrying bag or harness that will keep bearded dragons safe. Hide spots also help in keeping bearded dragons enriched. 

Now, since we love reptiles, especially bearded dragons, that is why we have also joined different reptile communities and from there, we know that laser is also used for enrichment purposes. Bearded dragons will follow laser light and try to chase it. 

It's important for you to buy some toys for bearded dragons if you are a busy individual. Toys will keep bearded dragons busy. Result? They won't feel bored.

What are Some Toys for Bearded Dragons?

Dogs and cats can play with bones. But, when it comes to bearded dragons, they can’t use bones to kill their boredom. There are different toys for them. Some of them are:

  1. Balls: You can buy these balls from any online store. These colorful small balls are enough to keep bearded dragons busy. But, make sure the ball isn’t too small. Because in case bearded dragons eat it, they can become impacted. Always supervise your dragon while you give them balls.
  2. Paper: Bearded dragons love to eat bugs. Sometimes, just the movement of bugs is enough to keep them excited. You can take advantage of the bearded dragon’s love for bugs by putting them on paper. The crinkly sound of paper would keep bearded dragons engrossed.
  3. Hiding Spots: In the wild, hiding spots are helpful for bearded dragons to keep themselves safe from predators. These spots also help beardies keep themselves busy. But in captivity, since there aren’t any predators, it’s important that you make hiding spots in their enclosures. By going in and out of the spots, bearded dragons will be busy.
  4. Bridge: Bearded dragons love to climb. In the wild, they sit on branches to keep an eye on their predators. If you have adult bearded dragons then you should add logs and leads. Just make sure to sanitize and clean them. For a baby bearded dragon,  twigs and branches are the best. 
  5. Other Pet’s Toys: Some pet toys like a mouse on a spring that moves up and down will keep bearded dragons busy. As mentioned before, bearded dragons love everything that moves.
  6. Laser Pointer: Some bearded dragons love to follow laser pointers. You can do this in a separate room or in a bearded dragon’s enclosure as well. Just make sure that they don’t get hurt when they are trying to be extra competitive in following that laser light. 
  7. Movies: Like most humans, bearded dragons love to watch movies. Especially those that have too many colorful scenes. And seems like bearded dragons love insects in both real life and on TV. We have seen lots of bearded dragons engrossed in movies that show insects.
  8. Little Stairs: Since bearded dragons are expert climbers, they would love it when you add little stairs to their tank. Just make sure that you aren’t adding a lot of stairs. Because the purpose is to keep bearded dragons busy. A lot of stairs can make bearded dragons tired. 
  9. Stacked Rocks: Out of all the rocks, slate rocks are considered to be the best ones. This is because slate rocks can remain heated and this can also help keep bearded dragons warm. On the contrary, lava rock doesn’t hold up heat. Heat is really important in killing bacteria

Why You Should Play With Bearded Dragons?

To make them become familiar with you. But why this familiarization is important? Well, so that they don’t attack you. It’s undoubtedly true that bearded dragons don’t attack people. They only attack those whom they consider as threats. All the playing and taming is done so that bearded dragons can understand that you aren’t just someone. You are the one who has bought them and takes care of them.

Another reason why you should consider playing with bearded dragons is to kill their boredom. In the deserts, bearded dragons don’t become bored. This is because when they are not basking in the sun, they are hunting for food. Since in captivity, something like this isn’t possible. That’s why bearded dragons can easily become bored. You need to kill this boredom of them so that they won’t get sick. Because to be honest, even when we humans can become sick when we are bored, then what’s the reason for beardies to not get sick when they are bored? 

What Should You Keep in Mind While Playing with Bearded Dragons?

We are sure that you will have a fun time while playing with bearded dragons. Just make sure to do the following when you are working:

  1. Clean their toys. Make sure they don’t have bacteria. Bearded dragons can become sick if they put dirty toys in their mouth.
  2. If you are playing in a room, then remove everything that can hurt bearded dragons. Your beardie safety is crucial. 
  3.  Don’t play with anything that is small enough to fit inside a bearded dragon’s mouth. In case, bearded dragons eat it then they can face serious impaction issues. 
  4. Check your bearded dragon before playing with them. If they are unhealthy or showing signs of stress, then ditch the idea of playing that day. You will stress them even more. 
  5. Never force them to play with you by picking them from behind. They will consider you as a predator. 
Add toys in bearded dragon's enclosure if you don't want them becoming bored.

Reasons to Play with Bearded Dragons

For sure, one of the beginner-friendly reptiles is bearded dragons. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t play with them. Bearded dragons need attention. They need love. They don’t feel emotions is another story. But still, you need to do everything you can to help them live a long life. There are varying reasons why you should always play with bearded dragons. Some of the reasons include:

  1. Taming them – If you have just bought your bearded dragon, then it’s important to tame them first. Taming is done to help bearded dragons know that you won’t harm them. You will keep them happy and safe. Now, since bearded dragons can’t understand human language, they won’t know that you want their good. But by playing with them, you will make a special bond with them. A bond that will tell them that you care for them.
  2. Keeping them happy – When bearded dragons are enriched, they become happy and excited. But since in captivity, there aren’t many enrichment activities, it’s easy for them to become sad.
  3. Destressing them – This one is tough. Whenever you find your bearded dragon a bit stressed, play with them. You can give them colorful balls. You can also hang a keychain somewhere in their tank. But beware, don’t try to pick them up at this point. There is a chance that they will bite you thinking that you are some predator. 


Bearded dragons can become bored really easily. You need to either play with them or give them toys. In most cases, bearded dragons are given toys so that they can destress themselves. So, if you are someone who is busy and can’t spend lots of time with bearded dragons, then consider buying them toys. They will be enough to keep your bearded dragons engaged and happy.

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