Home Bearded Dragon Care Why is Your Bearded Dragon Sleeping During the Day?

Why is Your Bearded Dragon Sleeping During the Day?

by Minhaj Raza
Why is your bearded dragon sleeping during the day?

Bearded dragons are one of the beginner-friendly reptiles. That’s because they don’t get sick often – provided you take care of them. They don’t eat a lot either. What’s good about these reptiles is that they don’t sleep during the day. They only sleep during the night. The reason due to which they are called diurnal reptiles. But what if you find your bearded dragon sleeping during the day? In fact, is it bad for bearded dragons to sleep during the day? 

Well, bearded dragons shouldn’t sleep during the day. That’s because – as mentioned before – they are diurnal reptiles. If you find your beardie sleeping during the day then know that something is wrong with them. Because normally beardies complete their 8 to 12 hours of sleep only during the night. But sometimes due to uncertain reasons, bearded dragons don’t sleep. Inadequate lightning, wrong basking temperature, and too much light are some reasons due to which bearded dragon may have difficulty in sleeping. So, make sure you know the ways using which you put a bearded dragon to sleep.

Reasons Due to Which Bearded Dragons Sleep During the Day

A healthy bearded dragon won’t sleep during the day. It will only sleep during the night. That’s because like human beings, bearded dragons are diurnal. In other words, they only sleep during the night. If you find your bearded dragon sleeping during the day, then know that there’s some problem. Some reasons due to which you may find your bearded dragon sleeping during the day include:

1. They are Stressed

Like humans, when bearded dragons become stressed, they sleep a lot. In fact, it’s common for bearded dragons to sleep more and appear tired when they are stressed. Keep in mind that there are varying reasons due to which bearded dragons can feel stressed. Wrong enclosure temperature, change in location of the tank, and stress marks are some reasons due to which a bearded dragon can become stressed. Make sure you know the source of bearded dragon’s stress so that you can take appropriate steps.

2. They are Sick 

As mentioned before, healthy bearded dragons usually sleep 8 – 12 hours a day to refuel. Furthermore, they only sleep during nights. They don’t complete their 8 hours of sleep during the day. If one day you suddenly found your bearded dragon sleeping during the day, then know that they are sick. 

Now, there are varying other reasons as well behind their sickness. For instance, when pinworms count in a bearded dragon’s body increases then at that time as well they can become sick. When they are depressed or dehydrated, then at this time as well they can become really sick. 

3. They are Going into Brumation 

Bearded dragons usually spend colder months of the year in brumation. During this time, they sleep during the day and night. They only wake up during the day to drink some water and food. So, always make sure you are giving your bearded dragon clean water whenever they wake up. Water dish in the corner of their enclosure will also come in handy. Further, only adult and juvenile bearded dragons go in brumation. In the wild, baby bearded dragons don’t go into hibernation.

How much bearded dragons sleep during the day

4. They are feeling Cold 

Human beings can keep themselves warm because they are warm-blooded. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with bearded dragons. They are cold-blooded reptiles. This means that they rely on external heat sources to keep themselves warm. That’s why you may find bearded dragons spending most of their time basking in winters. However, if the temperature of their basking spot is very low that bearded dragons still feel cold then know that you need to increase the temperature. Else, bearded dragons will feel withdrawn and sleep more. 

5. They are Hungry

Bearded dragons need to eat both bugs and veggies. Juvenile bearded dragons must eat more bugs than veggies. That’s because they are in the development stage where they need protein to grow. If bearded dragons don’t eat enough food and remain hungry, then they will become sluggish and sleep more than usual. Keep in mind that without eating adequate food, bearded dragons will experience digestive problems. This can affect the energy they will have during the entire day. 

6. They are Feeling Thirsty 

Bearded dragons will feel thirsty if they don’t drink water and live in an environment that doesn’t have enough humidity. Keep in mind that when bearded dragons become dehydrated, then they will become lethargic. They will also feel more sleepy. What’s worse is that they will have wrinkly skin, sunken eyes and skin elasticity. Further, dehydration is a serious health problem that can cause death to bearded dragons. That’s why it’s important to recognize the sign and treat it promptly. 

What to Do To Stop Your Bearded Dragon from Sleeping During the Day?

What to Do To Stop Your Bearded Dragon from Sleeping all Day?

Since bearded dragons take things slowly, it’s important to be kind with them while you are doing the following.

  1. If your bearded dragon is sleeping too much due to stress, try to interact with them. But don’t push your beardie to interact too much. In fact, let them investigate their environment at their own speed. Keep in mind that if stress triggers sleepiness in your bearded dragon, you don’t need to fret. Your beardie sleeping will be back to normal as soon as they return to their normal environment.
  2. If you think that your bearded dragon is sick, make sure you consult your vet. That’s because they know the test that can be performed to gauge their sickness level. If there’s some health issue in your dragon, then your vet will treat your bearded dragon. Hopefully, after that your bearded dragon will start sleeping less. 
  3. Cold temperature can also compel your bearded dragon to sleep more. So, if you find your bearded dragon sleeping a lot because of winters, then try adjusting the temperature inside their enclosure. In fact, you should install a thermometer inside their enclosure. If you don’t have a thermometer then you can also check the temperature of their enclosure by touching the glass. If you think that it’s cold, then increase the temperature to help your bearded dragon become comfortable. 
  4. Bearded dragons should be fed regularly, else they can become sleepy. They will become so sleepy that even during the day they will sleep. How to prevent this? Make sure your bearded dragon is eating appropriate food. 
  5. If your bearded dragon is having dehydration issues, then know that they will sleep a lot, even during the day. To make your dragon hydrated, give your beardie a bath. You can also spray your bearded dragon or provide food that have high water level to increase their hydration level.
  6. If all of the following isn’t the case  then that means your bearded dragon is in the brumation. Here, you will also find a bearded dragon sleeping during the day as well. Is it unnatural? No! It’s completely natural for bearded dragons to sleep during the whole day. But you should make sure that your bearded dragon is completely healthy while they are in brumation. Unhealthy bearded dragons should be prevented from going into brumation. That’s why it’s important that if you find such bearded dragons sleeping during the day, then you consult your vet.

Is it Okay for Bearded Dragons to Sleep All Day?

If it’s winter and you find your bearded dragon sleeping all day, then know that they are in hibernation. In this condition, bearded dragons sleep all day. They don’t want to eat or even drink. They only sleep. And don’t worry if your dragon is doing this. It’s natural for bearded dragons to go into hibernation. But if it’s summer and you see your dragon sleeping all day, then that’s a problem. Consult your vet in this case.

Is it Normal for Bearded Dragons to Bask All Day?

No. It’s not normal for bearded dragons to bask all day. Sure. They bask in bursts. But a longer stint happen in the morning. If you find your bearded dragon basking all day, then know that something’s wrong with them. Consult your vet in this case.

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep With their Eyes Open?

No. Bearded dragons sleep with closed eyes. They don’t sleep while their eyes are open. But due to the fact that they have three eyes, if even a small light is open then they can wake up. That’s why make sure that while your dragon is sleeping, you shouldn’t turn off lights of their room.


If you’re curious to find out why bearded dragons sleep during the day, then know that there are lots of reasons behind this. When bearded dragons are under lots of stress, they tend to sleep a lot. If the temperature inside their enclosure is low, then at that time as well, they will sleep a lot. Keep in mind that bearded dragons should sleep only during the night. If you find them sleeping during the day as well, then it’s even better to consult your vet.

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